29 jan

MVM 2034, Framtiden, Uppsala

Öppen lunchföreläsning: Futures with multiple targets: scenarios beyond GDP growth

interna händelser | seminarier, workshops |

Ta med din egen lunch till denna öppna föreläsning om framtidsstudier och forskning som ges av Ulrika Gunnarsson-Östling, KTH. Föreläsningen äger rum i Ultuna men kommer att streamas med videolänk till Alnarp, Skara och Umeå. Du kan också ansluta från egen dator eller mobil.

The lecture will take its point of departure in the research program “Beyond GDP growth: Scenarios for sustainable building and planning” and use this to exemplify and discuss methods for developing scenarios that fulfil several targets. In this project, four scenarios were developed in a transdisciplinary setting. The scenarios explore sustainability strategies for the Swedish society when economic growth is not seen as an end in itself.

Ulrika Gunnarsson-Östling is associate professor (sv. docent) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED). Ulrika has a research interest in normative futures studies, which she sees as a fruitful way to explore and discuss what social-ecological and just development could mean. Ulrika is particularly interested in sustainable urban development.

This lecture is part of the joint project Futures Lab by SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future Food. Read more about the Futures Lab.



Tid: 2020-01-29 12:00 - 13:00
Ort: Uppsala
Lokal: MVM 2034, Framtiden
Arrangör: Framtidslabbet
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Föreläsningen är öppen för alla intresserade, men riktar sig främst till SLU:s medarbetare och studenter.

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