8 maj

Aulan och Foyer, Alnarpsgården, Alnarp

Agroecology Day 2019

evenemang | seminarier, workshops |

Food security – the role of Agroecology

The Agroecology Day is a day for everyone who is interested in topics around agriculture. This year the topic will be Food Security and how the holistic approach of Agroecology is imperative to this. The event is designed to promote current research in food systems. Creating a connection between producers and consumers is essential, therefore the event is layed out as an open space and a platform that generates communication.

The various lectures from actors of different parts of the food system build up an encompassing view on our complex food system today. A panel discussion and a parallel organized food-knowledge market with start-ups and food innovations will be part of the day as well.

Join the day for a vivid discussion on the 8th of May in Aulan and Foyer (Alnarpsgården)!

Participatory Workshop – How can we better promote our Agroecology qualifications to employers?

As extension of the Agroecology Day 2019, a participatory workshop will be facilitated on the 9th of May by Erin Byers and Idil Akdos from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

The aim of the workshop is to identify the areas of special knowledge and the special skills of agroecologists and how to prioritize what is valuable to employers. Therefore, the goal includes brainstorming messages that express this, and getting and staying in touch with agroecologists.


Since the Agroecology program is going to celebrate its' 10-year anniversary next year, these issues are important to address. Networking with agroecology students from previous years has revealed, that often graduates have difficulties in terms of job offerings, leading to entrepreneurship being the main field of employment. Agroecology is still a young field of studies, so it is necessary to train agroecologists in how to read and search for job offerings, but also to inform potential employers about the benefits of an agroecology specialist and how to formulate job postings to find an agroecologist. This way new job opportunities and employment relationships besides entrepreneurship will be created.


The event is open to students, graduates, employers and anyone who works with or wants to find a job involving agroecology.

Join the participatory workshop for an exciting afternoon of training on the 9th of May in Articum 3!


Tid: 2019-05-08 08:00
Ort: Alnarp
Lokal: Aulan och Foyer, Alnarpsgården
Arrangör: Master students of Agroecology at SLU Alnarp
Mer information:

Instagram: agroecology.slu
Facebook: Agroecology Day 2019
Website: www.agroecology.se/aed2019
Registration Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/agroecology-day-2019-registration-60018506970

Please register as early as possible (so that we can calculate for the free snacks) at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/agroecology-day-2019-registration-60018506970


Jana Zibolka
Master student of Agroecology at SLU Alnarp
E-mail: jaza0002@stud.slu.se

Tania Schwarzer
Master student of Agroecology at SLU Alnarp
E-mail: tasr0001@stud.slu.se


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May 8  - Agroecology Day

Time: 08.00-17.00
Location: Alnarpsgården, Alnarp

May 9 - Participatory Workshop

Location: Articum 3, Articum, Sundsvägen 12, Alnarp
