Post doctoral position in modelling spatial and temporal change of forest systems in a landscape context
The position will be based at the department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå. The department has 82 employees of which 12 are professors. Our mission is to advance the understanding of forest ecosystem processes and to progress the principles of forest ecosystem management.
The position is linked to the Platform for Crop Production Systems at SLU, which is also represented at campus Alnarp and Ultuna, and an active participation in the platform development are required. The platform has an ongoing project working with the landscape matrix of cropping and forest systems, engaging several post docs and assistant lecturers (SLU biträdande lektorat). The post doc will primarily work within this platform project-under the supervision of Professor Tomas Lundmark and Dr Emma Holmström. The SLU platform for cropping systems is aiming for strengthening SLU's profile and development of productive and sustainable systems in horticulture, agriculture and forestry. The platform enables systematic and interdisciplinary research between SLU researchers from different faculties and a diverse background of cropping systems.
We welcome your application no later than 2019-03-15
More information and applicaiton form HERE