4 dec

Aulan, Alnarpsgården, Alnarp

LTV Fakultesdag/LTV Faculty Day

interna händelser | seminarier, workshops |

Alla studenter vid LTV-fakulteten och Alnarp hälsas varmt välkomna till fakultetsdagen 2019. / All students at the faculty and Alnarp are welcome to the Faculty day 2019!

Syftet med dagen är att ge en inblick i fakultetens olika verksamheter och träffas för gemensamma diskussioner kring aktuella teman.

Institutionen för Arbetsmiljö, ekonomi och miljöpsykologi tillsammans med institutionen för  Växtskyddsbiologi är arrangörer av årets fakultetsdag.

Temat är: "Vår mat idag, imorgon och i framtiden".

Förutom våra eminenta LTV-forskare har vi bjudit in två speciella gästföreläsare!

– Elinor Hallström- som är kompetensansvarig för expertisområdet Sustainable Nutrition på RISE. Elinor är nutritionist och disputerade 2015 med en avhandling om matens kombinerade effekter på hälsa och miljö.

– Tareq Taylor - som är författare, TV-profil, föreläsare och restauranginnehavare och som dessutom kammade hem vinsten som Sveriges bästa kock 2017 (TV4)!

OBS! Evenemanget är helt på engelska!


The purpose of the day is to provide an insight into the faculty's various activities and meet for joint discussions on current topics.

The day is this year arranged by the department of Work Science, Business Economics and Environmental Psychology together with the department of Plant Protection Biology.

The theme is: "Our food today, tomorrow and in the future".

In addition to our eminent LTV researchers, we have invited two special guest lecturers!

– Elinor Hallström
, responsible for competence for the Sustainable Nutrition expertise area at RISE. Elinor is a nutritionist and PhD in 2015, with a dissertation on the combined effects of food on health and the environment.

– Tareq Taylor, who is a writer, TV profile, lecturer and restaurant owner and who also won the swedish Chef's Fight 2017!

NOTE! The event is given in english!


Tid: 2019-12-04 13:00 - 16:00
Ort: Alnarp
Lokal: Aulan, Alnarpsgården
Arrangör: LTV-fakulteten
Sista anmälningsdag: 27 november 2019
Pris: For free
Mer information:


Till anmälan!/To registration!      Stängd/Closed

Se vid din dator eller tillsammans i sal Q i Ulls hus, Ultuna. Länk:



Venue: Aulan, Alnarpsgården (programmet streamas fram till kl 16.10/the program will be streamed until 16.10 o'clock)

13.00-13.15 Welcome, What happened during 2019 and how does the future look like)

Dean Håkan Schroeder, Pro-Dean Karl Lövrie and Faculty Director Margit Nothnagl

13.15-13.45 Food for a healthy life and planet – what to eat?

Elinor Hallström (RISE, Lund)
Elinor is a nutritionist and researcher at RISE within the field of sustainable nutrition.

13.45-14.30 ”Our food today, tomorrow and beyond”

Pitch-presentations from the Departments at the Faculty of  Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science:

  • Future fruits, Kimmo Rumpunen – Department of Plant Breeding Kimmo is a researcher and plant breeder responsible for breeding of apples, black currants and sea buckthorn. Kimmo has a great interest in plant domestication and healthy food innovation from plant to product, especially with a focus on drinks.
  • A fly in the soup – IPM on the menu, Johan Stenberg - Department of Plant Protection Biology 
    Johan is a professor of integrated plant protection. His research concerns eco-evolutionary optimization of integrated pest and pollinator management in food crop systems.
  • Are vegetables always healthy? Lars Mogren - Department of Biosystems and Technology 
    Lars is researcher in the group Microbial Horticulture. His main research focus is how production conditions affect vegetable quality.
  • Early memories influence future food choices! Elisabeth von Essen, Department of Work Science, Business Economics and Environmental Psychology
    Elisabeth is a researcher in mental health and food and a licensed psychotherapist. Her research is about how food choices, cooking and meal situations can be a way to deal with inner psychological conflicts and desires, and how food is used as a means to deal with various emotional and interpersonal situations and contribute to long-term sustainability and psychological development. Of particular interest is organic and vegetarian / vegan food.
  • Food culture and sustainable spatial planning. A Master's program proposal, Ingrid Sarlöv Herlin – Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
    Ingrid is a professor of Landscape Planning. Her cross-disciplinary work covers integrated planning of sustainable landscapes; the relationship between food and landscapes, policy tools for landscape planning, landscape character assessment; landscape identity and drastic landscape changes; landscape ecology and cultural heritage of landscapes.                  
  • Urban and Circular Food Production, Daniel Bergquist - Department of Urban and Rural Development
    Daniel is a researcher in landscape architecture, and coordinator in a project at SLU Future Food and SLU Urban Futures, in the area of Food and Cities. His research interests cover interdisciplinary sustainability assessment, regenerative design, urban planning and sustainable food systems.

14.30-14.40 Ask not what food can do for SLU – ask what SLU can do for food, Vice-dean Lena Ekelund Axelson

Lena’s research includes horticultural economics, ranging from market and marketing, to business and strategy, with a focus on competition; between firms and between different regions and systems. In particular, studies on fruit and vegetables have comprised consumer attitudes and behavior. Sustainable food and tasty tomatoes are her special interests.

14.40-15.10 Coffee

15.10-15.40 Tareq Taylor talks about climate-smart food and health

Tareq is one of Sweden's most prominent chefs. Tareq won the Chef's Fight 2017 (TV4) and was awarded the Best Malmö Ambassador the same year. Tareq has written many cookbooks and often gives lectures around the country. He runs restaurant and food studio Kockeriet in Malmö, Paul Taylor Lanthandel in Stockholm and the online restaurant Maten é completed in Lund.

15.40-16.10 Panel discussion (Erik Alexandersson – facilitator)