Learning about research on landscapes for a sustainable society
How can we research and how do we research, in SLU Landscape, with the objective of creating a more social sustainable and health promoting society? Human Land podcast, together with researchers from SLU Landscape, will explore different perspectives, learning about different ways to frame sustainable projects, valuing different disciplines and definitions. Researchers from SLU Landscape will all present a research project, that will be illustrated with a physical object that can represent your research idea. We will welcome:
Anna Bengtsson (Landscape architecture with evidence based and Health Promoting Design, Department of People and Society).
Burcu Yigit Turan (Planning in cultural environments, Department of Urban and Rural Development).
Elizabeth Marcheschi (Environmental psychology and Health Architecture, Department of People and Society).
Ishi Buffam (Ecosystem ecology, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management).
Together, we will discuss about what we could learn from an interdisciplinary perspective on research that could be applied to create a dream society.
The podcast will be a hybrid event and streamed live across the world; and the recording will be late published as the 4th episode of the Human Land Podcast.
Human land is a podcast supported by the Department of People and Society at SLU Alnarp, produced by the SLU environmental psychology alumni network. We explore topics related to outdoor environments for health and wellbeing with experts in the field and apply an environmental psychology perspective to understand people and planetary health.