
Reminder: NOVA Master's Course "Nordic Zoo, Wildlife and Conservation Medicine" - Open for Applications

Publicerad: 27 mars 2017

The course will take place on 7-18 Aug. 2017 in Tangen, Norway. Application deadline: 1 Apr. 2017.

The course is of 6 ECTS and is organised by John Debenham, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

Course information web page

Apply here

The course is the second course in the course series with the same name. The previous course in the series received very good results on the student evaluation (please see link below).

2015: Nordic Zoo, Wildlife and Conservation Medicine
University of Copenhagen - Faculty of Health and Medical Science


The NOVA intensive MSc course on Nordic Zoo, Wildlife and Conservation Medicine (CM) is a collaboration between the Nordic veterinary educations. It aims at introducing students to the skills and knowledge required of veterinarians and other relevant natural and health science professions in order to meet challenges of the many infectious diseases that are transmitted between wildlife species and domestic animals and humans, and that, in many cases, have wildlife species as the reservoir.
The on-site part of the courses will be held in a different Nordic country each year. In 2017, it is set in Tangen, Norway.

Course Content

The course comprises 4-5 weeks of full time study divided into 2 modules: The preparatory e-learning module is spread over June-July. This involves an introduction and subsequent grouping of students in 4 "ecosystem groups": Arctic, Boreal, Coastal and Marine. This is followed by the main e-learning content: 4 sessions on Conservation Medicine, Infectious disease ecology, wildlife pathology and anaesthesia / immobilisation. Students work both individually and in their eco-group with: scientific literature, on-line discussions and tests, written group assignments and production of YouTube-videos presenting their respective ecosystem and the related conservation medicine challenges.
The on-site module runs in the beginning of August at Tangen Zoo, Norway. It runs over 2 weeks (incl. arrival and departure).

Students work alone and in groups producing portfolios comprising of study notes, written assignments, video documentations of fieldwork and reflections on learning outcomes

This advanced course will provide a framework in which to examine the connections between the condition of the planet and the health of all species with a focus on the challenges within the Nordic ecosystems. It will challenge students in the ecological sciences, health sciences and the natural sciences to think about new, collaborative ways to address ecological health. Understanding infectious and non-infectious diseases, pathogens, processes, impacts, and how to maintain healthy populations of species—and the ecosystem services the species provide—is the key to conservation.

Specifically, the following topics will be addressed through lectures, practical exercises, field assignments and excursions:

Presentation of student produced YouTube videos and discussion of the learning outcomes from the on-line course moduleIntroduction to conservation medicine, including definition of wildlife, animal welfare, wildlife diseases, threats to wildlife etc.Ecosystem health, including threatened species, interfaces between wildlife, human and environmental health, climate changes, environmental (artic) toxicology and antibiotic resistanceZoonosis, infectious diseases and disease surveillance in wildlifeWildlife handling, capturing and immobilizationWildlife pathologyConclusion of course including students' presentations of their learning outcomes and assessment

Main teachers

Peter Holm, DVM, Ph.D., Ass. prof., University of Copenhagen - Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesChristian Sonne, DVM, Ph.D.,, Prof., Aarhus UniversityMorten Tryland, DVM, Ph.D., Prof. University of TromsøÅsa Fahlman, DVM., Ph.D.John Debenham, DVM, Lecturer, NMBUKnut Madslien, DVM, Ph.D., Norwegian Veterinary Institute



Ingrid Aksnes Hjetland
NOVA Secretariat
NOVA University Network
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
PO BOX 5003
NO-1432 Aas


Phone: + 47 67 23 01 25