Ort: Umeå
Lokal: Laxen
Arrangör: Institutionen för vilt, fisk och miljö
Laxen, Umeå
We happily invite you the first VFM-seminar after the summer break. Professor Steeve Côte will talk about “Caribou Ungava: a research program on population dynamics of migratory caribou in the context of climate change, predation, and anthropogenic disturbance”.
This is how Professot Steeve Côte describes the research program on their website:
The aim of our research program is to identify the factors influencing population dynamics and space use of migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in a context of climate change and anthropogenic disturbances.
Many populations of caribou are threatened and most of them are in decline. In Canada, migratory caribou are a fundamental element of the ecology, economy and culture of a vast territory stretching from Newfoundland to the Yukon. Many aboriginal communities are dependent on this species for food, in addition to obtaining essential economic and cultural benefits.
In Quebec, sport hunting is still very present, generating several millions of dollars annually.
Our new research program includes four major concerns, the first three of which are based on the interests of our private and public partners.
To meet these challenges, our approach will include the monitoring of radio-collared caribou of known age as well as their predators and the analysis of historical and genetic data. We will continue to follow the space use and the survival of marked caribou.
This knowledge will promote the sound management of caribou and help us to better understand the impacts of climate change, human disturbances and the role of predators on the ecology of this species.
Check out the link to their project webpage and their amazing story map