Ny sökning

Planering, projektkurs - storskaliga ingrepp i landskapet, landskapsanalys och MKB

The course deals with large-scale structure at super-municipal level. Work components comprise advanced landscape analyses, documents for dialogue and consultation according to planning and building regulations and an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Some already completed analyses and planning documents will be problematised and some individual proposals for improvements will be made. The students will select, motivate and implement the landscape analyses that are relevant prior to planned changes in the landscape and draw up planning documents for different planning stages and describe the activities of different authorities, parties and actors. The object of the course varies from year to year.

Se portfolio instructions on: https://www.slu.se/lam-portfolio/

Information från kursledaren

Welcome to this year's Large Scale course!

Energy Landscapes will be the theme of this year's course once again, following up on the great success of last year's courses. Discussing “landscape” in a context of Green energy transition is important both since the new energy sources will have a great impact on our landscapes and, still, the concept of landscape is not yet sufficiently present within policy documents on the green energy transition (at least not in Sweden). Thus, we as landscape architects have an important task in informing society and politicians about possible clashes with existing landscape qualities, how to avoid such problems and possible, more sustainable, solutions.

Energy landscapes will be discussed from more theoretical perspectives down to very concrete issues of how to analyze landscape and landscape impact, mitigation and compensation measures as well as possible design strategies for more sustainable solutions. Even though special attention will be given towards the green energy transition, there will also be other large scale landscape-related issues discussed, such as e.g. infrastructure projects and historical dimensions of large scale landscape transformation.

This year we will return to the former nuclear power plant in Barsebäck, which was taken out of service many years ago and is now being decommissioned. The owners (Uniper) are instead planning for a Clean energy park on their lands, making use of already existing infrastructure such as power lines etc. But we will also discuss projects on regional and even national level, such as off-shore wind power, new power lines needed etc., and what this demands of e.g. landscape analysis and environmental impact assessments. And even if your final project will be quite limited in scale, power distribution and material flows are of much wider dimensions.

Please look out for successive schedule modifications!

We look forward to this course very much from our side and wish you all welcome!

Course team via Anders Larsson


Kursvärderingen är avslutad

LK0373-20043 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

Efter att kursvärderingen stängt har kursansvarig och studentrepresentanten upp till en månad på sig att skriva kommentarer. De publiceras automatiskt i sammanställningen.

Andra kursvärderingar för LK0373

Läsåret 2022/2023

Planering, projektkurs - storskaliga ingrepp i landskapet, landskapsanalys och MKB (LK0373-20009)

2022-11-01 - 2023-01-15

Läsåret 2021/2022

Planering, projektkurs - storskaliga ingrepp i landskapet, landskapsanalys och MKB (LK0373-20140)

2021-11-02 - 2022-01-16

Läsåret 2020/2021

Planering, projektkurs - storskaliga ingrepp i landskapet, landskapsanalys och MKB (LK0373-20062)

2020-11-02 - 2021-01-17

Kursplan och övrig information





Autumn 2022

General literature, background material for seminars, group work and individual project:

Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) (2011). *Environmental Impact Assessment: Roads and Rail – Handbook and Methodology. *Publication number: 2011:55 (https://trafikverket.ineko.se/Files/sv-SE/11087/RelatedFiles/2011_155_environmental_impact_assesment_roads_and_rail_handbook.pdf).

Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) (2018). Landscape as an arena: Integrated Landscape Character Assessment – method description. Publication number: 2018:158 (https://trafikverket.ineko.se/Files/sv-SE/48845/Ineko.Product.RelatedFiles/2018_158_landscape_as_an_arena_integrated_landscape_character_assessment_method_description.pdf).

Stahlschmidt, P., Swaffield, S., Primdahl, L., Nelleman, V. (2017). Landscape analysis – investigating the potentials of space and place. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York. Can be purchased from Matilda Alfengård for 428 SKR. Also available as e-book.

Literature seminar 1:

Reading and interpreting the landscape

**Germundsson, T. (2005). **Regional cultural heritage versus national heritage in Scania’s disputed national landscape. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 11:1, 21-37. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13527250500036791

Turner, S. (2006). Historic Landscape Characterisation: A Landscape Archaeology for Research, Management and Planning. Landscape Research, Vol. 31, No. 4, 385 – 398, October 2006. (https://doi.org/10.1080/01426390601004376)

**Whiston Spirn, A. (2005). **Restoring Mill Creek: Landscape Literacy, Environmental Justice and City Planning and Design. Landscape Research, Vol. 30, No 3, 395-413, July 2005 (Full article: Restoring Mill Creek: Landscape Literacy, Environmental Justice and City Planning and Design (tandfonline.com)).

Chapter 4, Characterisation, in Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) (2018). Landscape as an arena: Integrated Landscape Character Assessment – method description. Publication number: 2018:158. (https://trafikverket.ineko.se/Files/sv-SE/48845/Ineko.Product.RelatedFiles/2018_158_landscape_as_an_arena_integrated_landscape_character_assessment_method_description.pdf)

Chapters 1 & 5 in: Stahlschmidt, P., Swaffield, S., Primdahl, L., Nelleman, V. (2017). Landscape analysis – investigating the potentials of space and place. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York.

Literature seminar 2:

Energy Landscapes

Ermischer, G. (2004). Mental landscape: landscape as idea and concept. Landscape Research, 29 (4), 371-383. (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0142639042000289019)

**Grover, A. (2021). Chapter 1-2 (introduction + literature review in **Hyperfunctional energy landscapes: Retrofitting public space with renewable energy structure. Master of Landscape Architecture, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, (Hyperfunctional Energy Landscapes: Retrofitting Public Space With Renewable Energy Infrastructure (uoregon.edu))

Marot, N. & Harfst, J. (2021). Post-mining landscapes and their endogenous development potential for small- and medium sized towns: Examples from Central Europe. The Extractive Industries and Society, 8 (2021), 168-175. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2020.07.002)

Oles, T. & Hammarlund, K. (2011) The European Landscape Convention, Wind Power, and the Limits of the Local: Notes from Italy and Sweden. *Landscape Research, *36 (4), 471-485. (https://doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2011.582942)

**Oudes, D. (2022). Pages 9-25 in **Landscape inclusive energy transition, landscape as catalyst in the shift to renewable energy. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18174/566620 (”download pdf”)

**Sijmons, D. (2013). **Landscape and Energy: Designing Transition. Pages 10-12 & 16-18 (will be found on Canvas & can be distributed beforehand by course leader).

Literature seminar 3:


**Chapter 2, Basic EIA methodology, **in Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) (2011). *Environmental Impact Assessment: Roads and Rail – Handbook and Methodology. *Publication number: 2011:55. (https://trafikverket.ineko.se/Files/sv-SE/11087/RelatedFiles/2011_155_environmental_impact_assesment_roads_and_rail_handbook.pdf)

Persson, J., Larsson, A., Villarroya, A. (2015). Compensation in Swedish infrastructure projects and suggestions on policy improvements, In: Seiler, A., Helldin, J-O. (Eds), Proceedings of IENE 2014 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, Malmö, Sweden. Nature Conservation 11: 113-127. DOI: 10.3897/natureconservation.11.4367. (https://natureconservation.pensoft.net/articles.php?id=4367)

Wilkins, H. (2003). The need for subjectivity in EIA: discourse as a tool for sustainable development. *Environmental Impact Assessment Review, *23 (2003) 401-414. (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0195-9255(03)00044-1)

Esteves, A.M., Franks, D., Vanclay, F. (2012). Social impact assessment: the state of the art. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 30:1, 34-42, (https://doi.org/10.1080/14615517.2012.660356)

Also: Find your own example (EIA/SIA in practice!), preferably related to green energy or other large scale project from your region or country!


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: Landscape Architecture- Master's Programme Landskapsarkitektprogrammet, Alnarp Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 74982 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Landskapsarkitektur Landskapsarkitektur
Kurskod: LK0373 Anmälningskod: SLU-20043 Plats: Alnarp Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning Studietakt: 100%