Ny sökning

Studio – Urbanekologi för landskapsarkitektur

Kursen innehåller teoretisk och praktisk kunskap i urbanekologi för utformning av hållbara stadslandskap. Individuella övningsuppgifter och projektarbeten i grupp stöds av handledning, föreläsningar, seminarier och exkursioner. I början av kursen ligger tyngdpunkten på att förstå den teoretiska grunden för urbanekologi och dess praktiska tillämpning i landskapsarkitektur både i Sverige och internationellt. Successivt flyttas sedan tyngdpunkten till att tillämpa denna kunskap på ritsal, t.ex. genom att utveckla konceptuella strategier och mer detaljerade gestaltningslösningar baserade på verkliga situationer i Sverige.

Studiokursen hanterar ett brett spektrum av begrepp, såsom landskapsmönster och miljöprocesser, störningar, succession, fragmentering, biologisk mångfald, ekosystemtjänster, samt mänskliga och kulturella perspektiv på stadslandskap. Kursen kommer även att beröra specifika tekniklösningar får hållbara stadslandskap samt metoder för långsiktigt hållbar förvaltning.

Kursen berör övergripande frågor för stad-land såväl som detaljerade exempel inom en specifik stadsdel.

Kursen innehåller reflektion och kritisk bedömning av modern landskapsarkitektur i förhållande till ekologiska krav. Ritsalsarbetet utvecklar färdigheter att muntligt och visuellt kommunicera komplexa tvärvetenskapliga designlösningar.

Exkursioner runt Uppsala och en längre resa i Sverige eller grannländerna ger insikter i tillämpning av ekologiska designprinciper. Resekostnader bekostas av studenten.

Information från kursledaren


Kursvärderingen är avslutad

LK0347-40039 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

Efter att kursvärderingen stängt har kursansvarig och studentrepresentanten upp till en månad på sig att skriva kommentarer. De publiceras automatiskt i sammanställningen.

Andra kursvärderingar för LK0347

Läsåret 2023/2024

Studio – Urbanekologi för landskapsarkitektur (LK0347-40076)

2024-03-20 - 2024-06-02

Läsåret 2022/2023

Studio – Urbanekologi för landskapsarkitektur (LK0347-40029)

2023-03-22 - 2023-06-04

Läsåret 2020/2021

Studio – Urbanekologi för landskapsarkitektur (LK0347-40055)

2021-03-24 - 2021-06-06

Läsåret 2019/2020

Studio – Urbanekologi för landskapsarkitektur (LK0347-40018)

2020-03-25 - 2020-06-07

Kursplan och övrig information


Learning objectives vs grading criteria

In a goal-related grading system the learning objectives indicates what you can and the grading criteria indicates different degrees of how well you know it. The criteria describe what will be assessed and how.

Grading criteria is found under each assignment below.

Final grading

To receive a final grade for the course requires:

  • Active participation in all compulsory activities
  • Minimum grade 3 on all the various assignments and submissions

To receive grade 4 requires grade 4 on assignment A2 (individual design proposal) and A3 (article for the Urban Ecologist).

To receive grade 5 requires grade 5 on either assignment A2 (individual design proposal) or A3 (article for the Urban Ecologist).

Grading modules




Literature workshop + field trips




Overall design proposal (group work)




Detailed design proposal (individual work)




Article (individual work)




Late submission / absence

In case of late submission without a valid reason grade 3 will be given on that assignment. Valid reasons are illness, work with student union, community service, funeral, military service. Send message by e-mail to the course leader. Remember to write your name and the course name.

Valid reason must be supported with a statement that tells you how many days it's for. Prolongation of the delivery date of the submission will be given the same number of days as the absence claims.

As for short absences (a week or less) given extended submission period only when the absence occurs within one month before the submission. It must be communicated with the course leader.

Examination results & re-examination

Results of the examination is announced 15 workdays after the submission. Dates for re-examination is found in timetable. Possible supplemental assignment can be administered to reach up to grade 3. Not given to reach grade 4 or 5.

Grading criteria A1

Grades: F, 3

To pass (3) the following criteria needs to be accomplished:

  • Through collaboration in a group, develop a conceptual strategy including an overall design proposal for green-blue structures. based on ecological solutions and urban biodiversity that includes a human and cultural perspective
  • Show how the proposed strategy and overall design proposal is based on urban ecological theory and best practice, by using terms presented in literature as well as knowledge from examples of implemented ecological landscape architecture projects in Sweden and internationally.
  • Deliver a well-done visual and verbal presentation that is easy to understand as well as captivating and interesting, without taking away the complexity of its contents/matters.
  • Clarify the correlation between inventory, analysis and proposal

Grading criteria A2

Grades: F, 3, 4, 5

To pass (3) the following criteria needs to be accomplished:

With aid from a tutor establish the delimitations needed to develop a design on a detailed level.

Independently develop a detailed design proposal for a smaller area within the conceptual strategy and overall design proposal (A1).

Clarify the correlation between analysis, idea/concept, program/function and chosen technical solutions/design elements in the proposal.

Show how the detailed design proposal is based on urban ecological theory and best practice, by using terms presented in literature as well as knowledge from examples of implemented ecological landscape architecture projects in Sweden and internationally.

Deliver a visual and verbal presentation that is easy to understand, without taking away the complexity of its contents.

To receive grade 4, 3 of the following criteria needs to be accomplished. To receive grade 5, 5 of the following criteria needs to be accomplished.

Develop a design on a detailed level, which is clearly based on the ecological, human and cultural requirements defined in the conceptual strategy (A1).

Show a clear and consistent correlation between idea/concept, program/function and chosen technical solutions/design elements in the proposal.

Analyse the urban space and its conditions with an independent reasoning.

Understand and explain the proposals context well.

Show and argue well on what spatial qualities the proposal has and why a specific type of aesthetics is used.

Argue well on which qualities, (biodiversity, ecosystem services, social, spatial etc.) the proposal performs in the urban context as well as describing the proposals limitations.

Argue well on how your specific solution have the potential to be implemented in other urban situations as a part of a more general urban design strategy.

Deliver a visual and verbal presentation that is captivating and explains the complexity of its contents on a higher level.

Grading criteria A3

Grades: F, 3, 4, 5

To pass and receive grade 3, the following criteria needs to be accomplished:

Independently write an article and select relevant images and illustrations.

Present knowledge from one or more implemented ecological landscape architecture projects in Sweden and/or internationally.

Reflect on ecological values in relation to the practice of landscape architecture and sustainable development.

Critically asses how local ecological conditions and knowledge of ecological processes are/have been used in contemporary landscape architecture projects.

To receive grade 4, one of the following four criteria needs to be accomplished.

To receive grade 5, criteria number 1 plus two of the other criteria (number 2, 3 or 4) needs to be accomplished.

  1. Show a clear and consistent correlation between text, pictures/diagrams and captions that works well together.
  2. Show a very good ability to reflect on ecological values in relation to the practice of landscape architecture and sustainable development.
  3. Show a very good ability to critically assess how local ecological conditions and knowledge of ecological processes are/have been used in contemporary landscape architecture projects
  4. Show a very good ability to formulate arguments (and ideas) that in another context can be used to convince professionals and politicians that has no ecological or landscape architecture training.


  1. The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology 2nd edition, published 2021 Författare: Ian Douglas, PML Anderson, David Goode, Michael C. Houck, David Maddox, Harini Nagendra, and Tan Puay Yok Kommentar: Available online as e-book via SLU library.

1) Messy Ecosystems Orderly Frames __Författare:__ Joan Iverson-Nassauer 1) Motivations for Conserving Urban Biodiversity __Författare:__ Donald C. Dearborn, Salit Kark 1) Enhancing urban biodiversity and its influence on city-dwellers: An experiment __Författare:__ Assaf Schwartz, Anne Turbé, Laurent Simon, Romain Julliard 1) Land sharing vs. land sparing: does the compact city reconcile urban development and biodiversity conservation? __Författare:__ Masashi Soga, Yuichi Yamaura, Shinsuka Koike, Kevin J. Gaston 1) A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems __Författare:__ Goddard et al.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation - Master's Programme Landskapsarkitektprogrammet - Uppsala Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 74982 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Landskapsarkitektur Landskapsarkitektur
Kurskod: LK0347 Anmälningskod: SLU-40039 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för stad och land Studietakt: 100%