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Praktisk tvärvetenskap

Hållbar utveckling påverkar alla tänkbara aspekter av vår civilisation. Men att arbeta med hållbarhet kräver kommunikation och samarbete mellan många vetenskapliga discipliner, mellan samhällets praktiker och mellan företagens produktionskompetens. Tvärvetenskapliga metoder är kärnan i den verktygslåda som behövs för de kommande århundradena för naturvetare, samhällsvetare, praktiker och studenter. I den här kursen utforskar vi tvärvetenskaplighet inom två huvudområden. Den ena är planetens biogeokemiska kretslopp där olika naturvetenskapliga metoder används: biologer, kemister, oceanografer, meteorologer, fysiker och geologer är alla inblandade. Det andra området relaterar till planering av hållbara stads-inlandssystem, som kombinerar ett stort antal natur- och samhällsvetenskapliga discipliner som arbetar med ingenjörer, geografer, biologer, sociologer, historiker, ekonomer, planerare, arkitekter och landskapsarkitekter.

Information från kursledaren

Literature Interdisciplinary Practice Course 2025

(Subject to changes)

    • Research methods for environmental studies: A social science approach, by Mark Kanazawa (Routledge, 2017):
    • Interdisciplinarity: A Critical Assessment. Jacobs, JA. and S. Frickel 2009. Annual Review of Sociology 35(1): 43-65.
    • Logics of interdisciplinarity. Economy and Society 37(1): 20-49. Barry, A., G. Born, et al. (2008).
    • Integrating the social and natural sciences in environmental research: a discussion paper. Strang, V. 2009. Environment, Development and Sustainability 11(1): 1-18
    • Practicing interdisciplinarity. Lélé, Sharachchandra, and Richard B. Norgaard. BioScience 55, no. 11 (2005): 967-975.
    • Harding, S. (2013). Rethinking standpoint epistemology: What is “strong objectivity”? In Feminist Epistemologies (pp. 49-82). Routledge.
    • Haraway, D. (1988). Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies, 14(3), 575–599.
    • Gould, S. J. (1993). American polygeny and craniometry before Darwin. The “Racial” Economy of Science, 84-115.
    • Silverman, David, 2015. Interpreting Qualitative Data, 5th edition, chapter 7:'Interviews'. Available here.
    • Bryman, Allan, 2015. Social Research Methods, 5th edition, chapter 20: 'Interviewing in qualitative research'.
    • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2019). Reflecting on reflexive thematic analysis. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 11(4), 589–597.
    • Byrne, D. (2022). A worked example of Braun and Clarke's approach to reflexive thematic analysis. Qual Quant 56, 1391–1412
    • David Snow, Case studies and social movements, in: The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of social and political movements.
    • Vandergeest et al 2015 Assembling sustainable territories space subjects.pdf Download Vandergeest et al 2015 Assembling sustainable territories space subjects
    • Nightingale 2016, Adaptive scholarship and situated knowledges Hybrid methodologies and plural epistemologies in climate change adaptation research
    • Cuadra, M. and Björklund, J. 2007. Assessment of economic and ecological carrying capacity of agricultural crops in Nicaragua. Ecological Indicators, 7 (2007) 133-149. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2005.11.003.
    • Cuadra, M. and Rydberg, T. 2006. Emergy evaluation on the production, processing and export of coffee in Nicaragua. Ecological Modelling, 196 (2006) 421-433
    • Cuadra, M. 2005. Assessment of the natural resource base of Nicaragua and case studies of its use in agricultural production and export. Doctoral Thesis No. 2005: 25. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala. 51 pp.
    • Mugejo, Ncube, Mutsvangwa, 2022, Infrastructure Performance and Irrigation Water Governance in Genadendal, Western Cape, South Africa Download Mugejo, Ncube, Mutsvangwa, 2022, Infrastructure Performance and Irrigation Water Governance in Genadendal, Western Cape, South Africa
    • Thow, Greenberg, Hara, et al,, 2018, Improving policy coherence for food security and nutrition in South Africa. A qualitative policy analysis
    • James Meadowcroft, and Daniel J. Fiorino. Conceptual Innovation in Environmental Policy. The MIT Press, 2017.)
    • Grey, S., & Patel, R. (2015). Food Sovereignty as Decolonization: Some contributions from Indigenous movements to food system and development politics. Agriculture and Human Values, 32, 431-444.
    • Tom, M. N., Sumida Huaman, E., & McCarty, T. L. (2019). Indigenous knowledges as vital contributions to sustainability. International Review of Education, 65, 1-18. Rarai, A., Parsons, M., Nursey-Bray, M., & Crease, R. (2022). Situating climate change adaptation within plural worlds: The role of Indigenous and local knowledge in Pentecost Island, Vanuatu. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(4), 2240-2282.
    • Gergan, M. D., & Curley, A. (2023). Indigenous youth and decolonial futures: Energy and environmentalism among the Diné in the Navajo Nation and the Lepchas of Sikkim, India. Antipode, 55(3), 749-769..
    • 5) Hughes, S. S., Velednitsky, S., & Green, A. A. (2023). Greenwashing in Palestine/Israel: Settler colonialism and environmental injustice in the age of climate catastrophe. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 6(1), 495-513.
    • Alfred, T., & Corntassel, J. (2005). Being Indigenous: Resurgences against contemporary colonialism. Government and opposition, 40(4), 597-614.
    • Smith, A. (2012). 4. Indigeneity, Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy. In D. HoSang, O. LaBennett & L. Pulido (Ed.), Racial Formation in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 66-90). Berkeley: University of California Press.
    • Hope, J. (2022). Globalising sustainable development: Decolonial disruptions and environmental justice in Bolivia. Area, 54(2), 176-184.
    • Thompson, K. L., & Ban, N. C. (2022). “Turning to the territory”: A Gitga'at Nation case study of Indigenous climate imaginaries and actions. Geoforum, 137, 230-236.
    • Mbah, M. F., Bailey, M., & Shingruf, A. (2023). Considerations for relational research methods for use in Indigenous contexts: implications for sustainable development. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/13645579.2023.2185345
    • Simpson, L. B. (2017). As we have always done: Indigenous freedom through radical resistance. University of Minnesota Press.
    • Smith, L. T. (2021). Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Bloomsbury Publishing.


Kursvärderingen är ännu inte aktiverad

Kursvärderingen är öppen mellan 2025-06-01 och 2025-06-22

Andra kursvärderingar för HU0004

Läsåret 2023/2024

Praktisk tvärvetenskap (HU0004-40157)

2024-03-20 - 2024-06-02

Läsåret 2022/2023

Praktisk tvärvetenskap (HU0004-40123)

2023-03-22 - 2023-06-04

Kursplan och övrig information


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Nej Kursen ges som en programkurs: Masterprogram i hållbar utveckling Masterprogrammet Hållbara livsmedelssystem Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 27500 SEK Nivå: A1N
Ämne: Hållbar utveckling
Kurskod: HU0004 Anmälningskod: SLU-40098 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för stad och land Studietakt: 100%