Lönerapportering/Reporting working hours

Senast ändrad: 16 maj 2024

Här hittar du formuläret för att rapportera din lön som studentambassadör. Tänk på att rapportera in dina gjorda/mottagna besök, mässdeltaganden osv. senast den 25:e varje månad för att få utbetalningen den 25:e nästa månad.

This is where you, as a Student ambassador, report your working hours. Remember to report your hours no later than the 25th of each month. The payment usually comes on the 25th next month.

Lönerapportering/Reporting working hours

The data you enter here will be processed by SLU to administer and process your registration or visit. Please click the box to confirm this. Read more about the processing of personal data on www.slu.se/personal-data.