Ny sökning

Kommunikationsteori och strategi

There are numerous ideas about what communication is and how communication can be used strategically. During this course we study, apply, and compare different theoretical perspectives on communication. We also develop an understanding of communication in practice by reading about models for strategies, investigating how others work with it, and by developing a strategy for a communication project. The course aims to connect thinking about communication theories and strategies, and to establish critical and reflexive perspectives on communication theories and strategies.

Information från kursledaren

30 Sep 2022

Dear Students,

you can now find both the reading list and the schedule on this course homepage. We look forward to meet you at the course start on 1 Nov 2022 at 9am in Ulls Hus, Room Skara (A304, above the reception). If you have any questions before then, please get in touch with the course leader.

Please note that you are expected to participate on both 1 Nov and 3 Nov in course activities. All further mandatory events are marked in the schedule.

Updates to the schedule will be mentioned here before the course start. From the course start, 1 Nov, the schedule will only be updated on Canvas.

We are looking forward to meeting you all!
your teacher team


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MX0158-20131 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

Efter att kursvärderingen stängt har kursansvarig och studentrepresentanten upp till en månad på sig att skriva kommentarer. De publiceras automatiskt i sammanställningen.

Andra kursvärderingar för MX0158

Läsåret 2023/2024

Kommunikationsteori och strategi (MX0158-20162)

2023-10-31 - 2024-01-14

Kursplan och övrig information


A final reading list will be provided at the course start; all readings will be made available on Canvas. Supplementary readings for eager readers are marked with a preceding star, all other readings are highly recommended.

CW1: Introduction to Communication Theory 

Hahn, L. K., & Paynton, S. T. (n.d.). Communication theory. In Survey of communication study. Wikibooks. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Survey_of_Communication_Study/Chapter_5_‐ _Communication_Theory

Organizational Communication Channel. (2017). Communication Models. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O‐O‐fV5qT‐0

Craig, R. T. (2005). How we talk about how we talk: Communication theory in the public interest. Journal of communication, 55(4), 659–667.

*Craig, R. T. (2013). Communication theory and social change. Communication & Social Change, 1(1), 5–18.

CW2: Transmission and Transaction Models 

Foust, C. R., & Murphy, W. O. S. (2009). Revealing and reframing apocalyptic tragedy in global warming discourse. Environmental Communication, 3(2), 151–167.

Godemann, J. (2021). Communicating sustainability. Some thoughts and recommendations for enhancing sustainability communication. In F. Weder, L. Krainer, & M. Karmasin (Eds.), The Sustainability Communication Reader. Springer.

Jurin, R. R., Roush, D., & Danter, J. (2010). Planning Environmental Communication. In Environmental communication. Skills and principles for Natural Resource Managers, Scientists, and Engineers (pp. 75–82). Springer.

Steg, L., & Vlek, C. (2009). Encouraging pro‐environmental behaviour: An integrative review and research agenda. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29(3), 309–317.

Tyson, B., & Unson, C. (2006). Environmental communication strategies: When is what appropriate? Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards, 99, 83.

Werder, K. P. (2014). A theoretical framework for strategic communication messaging. In The Routledge handbook of strategic communication (pp. 293–308).

*Liang, Y., Kee, K. F., & Henderson, L. K. (2018). Towards an integrated model of strategic environmental communication: Advancing theories of reactance and planned behavior in a water conservation context. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 46(2), 135–154.

*Taylor, R. E. (1999). A six‐segment message strategy wheel. Journal of Advertising Research, 39(6), 7–7.

*Steg, L., Bolderdijk, J. W., Keizer, K., & Perlaviciute, G. (2014). An integrated framework for encouraging pro‐environmental behaviour: The role of values, situational factors and goals. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 38, 104–115.

CW3: Communication as Constitutive to Society 

Fredriksson, M., & Pallas, J. (2014). Strategic communication as institutional work. In D. Holtzhausen & A. Zerfass (Eds.), The routledge handbook of strategic communication (pp. 167–180). Routledge.

Humă, B., Stokoe, E., & Sikveland, R. O. (2020). Putting persuasion (back) in its interactional context. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 17(3), 357–371.

Mead, G. H. (1934). In C. W. Morris (Ed.), Mind, self, and society: From the standpoint of a social behaviorist (pp. 253–260, 325–328). University of Chicago Press.

Ockwell, D., Whitmarsh, L., & O’Neill, S. (2009). Reorienting climate change communication for effective mitigation: Forcing people to be green or fostering grass‐roots engagement? Science Communication, 30(3), 305–327.

Paerregaard, K. (2020). Communicating the inevitable: Climate awareness, climate discord, and climate research in Peru’s highland communities. Environmental Communication, 14(1), 112–125.

Shove, E. (2010). Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change. Environment and Planning A, 42(6), 1273–1285.

Stokes, A. Q. (2005). Metabolife’s meaning: A call for the constitutive study of public relations. Public Relations Review, 31(4), 556–565.

*Hallgren, L. (2019). The strategic Nature Interpreter & Planning for peoples shared creation of meaning. In E. Sandberg (Ed.), Naturvägledning i Norden: En bok om upplevelser, lärande, reflektion och delaktighet i mötet mellan natur och människa (pp. 222–241). Nordic Council of Ministers. http://norden.diva‐ portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1426533&dswid=‐2542

*Machin, D., & Cobley, P. (2020). Ethical food packaging and designed encounters with distant and exotic others. Semiotica, 2020(232), 251–271.

*Schoeneborn, D., & Trittin, H. (2013). Transcending transmission: Towards a constitutive perspective on CSR communication. Corporate communications: An international journal, 18(2), 192–211.

CW4: Critiquing Communication 

Habermas, J. (2001). Truth and society: The discursive redemption of factual claims to validity. In B. Fultner (Trans.), On the pragmatics of social interaction: Preliminary studies in the theory of communicative action (pp. 85–103, 86 3 89 7). MIT Press.

Kings, D., & Ilbery, B. (2014). The lifeworlds of organic and conventional farmers in central‐ southern England: A phenomenological enquiry. Sociologia Ruralis, 55(1), 62–84.

Harsin, J. (2018). Post‐truth and critical communication studies. In Oxford research encyclopedia of communication.

Luhmann, N. (1992). What is communication? Communication Theory, 2(3), 251–259.

Nothhaft, H., & Wehmeier, S. (2007). Coping with complexity: Sociocybernetics as a framework for communication management. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 1(3), 151–168.

Toledano, M. (2018). Dialogue, strategic communication, and ethical public relations: Lessons from Martin Buber’s political activism. Public Relations Review, 44(1), 131–141.

*Deetz, S. A. (1992). Democracy in an age of corporate colonization: Developments in communication and the politics of everyday life (pp. 173–198). SUNY Press.

*Foss, S. K., & Griffin, C. L. (1995). Beyond persuasion: A proposal for an invitational rhetoric. Communications Monographs, 62(1), 2–18.

*Seamon, D. (1982). The phenomenological contribution to environmental psychology. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2(2), 119–140.

CW5: Metatheory 

Craig, R. T. (1999). Communication theory as a field. Communication Theory, 9(2), 119–161.

Craig, R. T. (2019). Models of communication in and as metadiscourse. In M. Bergman, K. Kirtiklis, & J. Siebers (Eds.), Models of communication (pp. 11–33). Routledge.

CW6: Connect Theory and Practice 

Barge, J. K., & Craig, R. T. (2009). Practical theory in applied communication scholarship. In L. R. Frey & K. N. Cissna (Eds.), Routledge handbook of applied communication research (pp. 95– 118). Routledge.

Hallgren, L., & Rödl, M. (2022). Beyond information transmission and persuasion: Models of communication and change in environmental policy practitioners’ reflection‐on‐action. Aimed at Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

CW7: Strategy in Depth 

Cox, J. R. (2010). Beyond frames: Recovering the strategic in climate communication. Environmental Communication, 4(1), 122–133.

Fredriksson, M., & Pallas, J. (2016). Diverging principles for strategic communication in government agencies. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 10(3), 153–164.

G.T.Z. Rioplus. (2006). Strategic communication for sustainable development: A conceptual overview (pp. 2–4, 14–47). GTZ.

Koskela, M. (2013). Same, same, but different: Intertextual and interdiscursive features of communication strategy texts. Discourse & Communication, 7(4), 389–407.

Macnamara, J. (2018). A review of new evaluation models for strategic communication: Progress and gaps. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 12(2), 180–195.

*Cox, R., & Pezzullo, P. C. (2016). Advocacy campaigns. In Environmental Communication & the Public Sphere (pp. 177–206).


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: EnvEuro - European Master in Environmental Science Miljökommunikation - masterprogram Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 38060 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1F)
Ämne: Miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap
Kurskod: MX0158 Anmälningskod: SLU-20131 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för stad och land Studietakt: 100%