What study support is available to me?

Last changed: 11 July 2024
Open toolbox with a saw on top. Photo.

The disability study support is individually tailored. Depending on the disability, study situation and needs, different students are offered different types of support and adaptations. Discuss with the disability coordinator what may be relevant for you.

Below, you can read more about support at SLU.

Note-taking support

If you have a disability that makes it difficult to take notes while listening, you can get note-taking support. SLU offers two different types of note support:

  1. Classmate as note-taker 
    This means that you take part of a classmate’s notes after the lecture. The support does not replace your own presence, but is a complement to what you yourself have the opportunity to absorb at the lecture.

    The note-taker is paid for the assignment by SLU. More information is available here: Mentoring and note-taking

  2. SmartPen
    In some cases, note-taking assistants can be replaced by the possibility to borrow and use a SmartPen, recording pen. With the help of such a pen you take notes yourself, while the pen records an audio file. It is enough that you take notes sparingly. You can then navigate the audio files by putting the pen on your notes in the pad.

    SmartPen allows you to be independent and develop your own note-taking. You can also repeat what was said in the lectures by listening to the recorded audio files.

    SLU lends SmartPen and provides special notepads to write on. The course leader must be contacted in order for you to get permission to record audio files. The files are for personal use only, and may not be distributed to others.

Adapted assessment

There are several forms of adapted examination. They may include using computers during exams, being given extra time or sitting written examinations in smaller groups.

The examiner will always decide what is possible for an adapted examination based on the course objectives. If a lack of resources means that the approved adaptations cannot be made in full, the exam services team has the power to arrange the most suitable alternative. Talk to the campus coordinator or contact person about the different adaptations available when you apply for support. They will be able to provide recommendations for adaptations.

Read more about what you need to do to receive an adapted examination.

Support for Theses - independent project

Theses (independent projects) at the bachelor's and master's level can present some challenges. Therefore, the SLU Library offers writing- and language support for all students. See Writing and language support. Utilize the library's resources to facilitate your work.

As you navigate through an independent project, it can be helpful to keep the following in mind:

  1. It is important to attend the course introduction and library information sessions, if provided!
  2. Take advantage of regular supervision and use the time well! Prepare for supervision sessions and clearly articulate what you need assistance with. Be as specific as possible – your supervisor cannot know unless you tell them.
  3. Use supportive software to organize structure and manage references. See Library search & write guide (instructure.com).
  4. Use the text-to-speech program TorTalk to listen to articles and other texts – even those you have written yourself. This way, text-to-speech can aid both reading and writing. Contact the SLU Library if you have questions about TorTalk or other reading and writing support software.
  5. Turn to the SLU Library's drop-in if you get stuck. See Drop-in — online Wednesdays 13–15. Do not wait unnecessarily long to get in touch if you need help.
  6. Contact the Student Healthcare if you are feeling unwell, see Student healthcare at SLU. There may also be support and advice at In English - Studenthälsa (studenthalsa.se).
  7. Reach out to funka@slu.se if you encounter difficulties or problems that you cannot handle. Discuss with your coordinator what might be possible. For students with particularly significant challenges, the support can sometimes provide extra supervision hours. Help with proofreading is not provided by SLU.
  8. Some general advice for succeeding with your work:
  • Create a reasonable timeline – and try to stick to it. Stay in touch with your supervisor. Send reminder emails if responses are delayed.
  • Browse and get inspired by previous theses.
  • Discuss your work with others. Study together and support each other, even if you are not working on the same thing.
  • Develop good habits. Have in mind that the location can be important to get the work done.
  • Separate the creative and the critical/language review phases of your work.
  • Remember to plan for recovery time!


If you have a mental health problem or a neuropsychiatric condition, you may in some cases be given a mentor who can help you structure and plan your studies. The mentor acts as a discussion partner and can help you concretise and prioritise your study assignments.

The amount of mentor support is about one hour per week. The mentor will receive an hourly payment from the university to compensate them for their work.

Read more about working as a mentor.

Sign-language interpreter, note taker

If you have a hearing impairment or are deaf, you can receive help from a notetaker, sign language interpreter or deafblind interpreter.

Sign language interpretation is offered only to Swedish sign language.

Submit your application in good time, as it takes time to arrange.
You can contact a coordinator as soon as you have submitted your application to SLU.

Study support you do not need to apply for

Other support

Adjustable desks are available at some SLU libraries. These desks are available to all students, but are especially useful for those who have problems with their back or other pain.

Many of our campuses also have adjustable desks at the back of lecture halls.

Do you need adapted furniture during lectures or moderated exams on campus? Contact your coordinator to find out more about what applies where you are.


Study with disabilities

If you have questions about studying with disabilities that might affect your studies and how to apply for study support, contact us at ability@slu.se

You can read more about studying with disabilities on the student web.