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Studying with a disability

Study support and adaptations can facilitate your studies if you have a permanent disability. The support is individually tailored and planned together with a coordinator. Apply for support well in advance!

Who is entitled to study support for students with disabilities?

You are entitled to study support if you have a long-term disability, such as dyslexia, ADHD or mental health problems.

A large group of people outdoors with backpacks, photo.

Apply for study support for students with disabilities

If you have a long-term disability that affects your studies, you can apply for study support online.

What study support is available to me?

Help with note-taking, adapted examinations, mentors and audio-books are examples of study support you can receive.

Toolbox with various tools, photo.

If you are in receipt of study support for students with disabilities

Here, we describe your responsibilities as a student for your study support to work in the best way possible.

Close up of a wrist watch, photo.

Computer programs and apps

Digital tools that make reading, writing, note-taking and translation easier.

Adapted examination

Extra time, the use of a computer, and sitting a written exam in a smaller group are some examples of adapted examinations.

Studying abroad when you have a disability

You have good opportunities to study abroad – prepare the support in good time!

Support for all students

Some support is available to all students and does not need to be applied for.

Students in motion in campus building, photo.

Work as a mentor and note-taker

Enriching and salaried tasks, where you help other students with their studies.


We have collected links to websites where you can find more information here.

Published: 11 July 2024 - Page editor: utb-webb@slu.se