Mentoring and note-taking

Last changed: 11 July 2024
Brown hands make calculations in white notebook. Minicalculator at side. Photo.

As a mentor, you help another student to structure, plan and organise their studies. As a note-taker, you take clear notes during lectures or other teaching activities on behalf of another student, which you then copy or email to them.

Remember that you must have a study support agreement with a contact person on your campus before beginning an assignment. You will receive an hourly wage for both tasks.

Mentors are considered external contractors at SLU. You have a specific task and are not covered by the new rules for temporary employees included in the Employment Protection Act (LAS SÄVA). Forms of employment

If you are a mentor for a student

  • If you would like to work as a mentor, register your interest by sending an email to
  • The mentor’s main task is to help the student create structure and plan their studies. One common task is arranging a meeting and prioritising the important work for the coming week. The week after, you meet again for a follow-up and to create a new plan. The mentor can also help to clarify the course requirements and suggest study techniques.
  • At the start of the mentorship, the student, mentor and coordinator will meet and go through what the help involves. You will also create a mentorship contract and a confidentiality agreement. The mentor and student receiving support also agree how they will keep in contact.
  • As a mentor, you are bound by the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act and professional secrecy. This means that you may not share any information about the student’s personal circumstances. However, you may discuss the mentorship with the coordinator. If you are unsure about any part of your role as a mentor, or have something you want to discuss, do not hesitate to contact the coordinator.
  • Working as a mentor is often enriching and educational. Once your assignment is complete, you can obtain a certificate proving you worked as a mentor.

Payment and reporting hours for mentors.

Literature and tips for mentors

Mentor handbook

Picture of Mentor handbook

Assignment as note-taking supporter

Students with disability study support may need to access notes from a classmate. Those who share their notes have a paid assignment as a note-taking supporter. You must have an agreement with a coordinator at Funka/Ability before you start an assignment. Feel free to contact if you are good at taking notes, willing to share them, and interested in being a support person.

What does the assignment involve?

As a note-taking supporter, you share your notes from lectures and other teaching sessions with one or more students. Recorded lectures that students can repeat themselves, do not need to be noted. It is expected that you answer occasional questions related to the notes, but it is not part of the assignment to provide detailed reviews of lectures afterward. Students receiving note-taking support should attend the course lectures themselves (except in cases of illness). Notes from a supporter should be seen as a supplement.

Here are some tips for taking notes:

  • It is easier to take good notes if you are well-prepared for a lecture. For example, you can review materials and presentations uploaded on Canvas in advance. This preparation is also helpful in your own studies.
  • Try to have a clear structure in your notes by using headings, grouping material, and making references to literature or presentations.
  • Keep in mind that the teacher sometimes says important things that are not written on the board or included in any presentation.
  • If you take notes by hand, it is good to have an extra wide margin and space between lines. This gives the student who takes part in the notes space to make their own notes.
  • Here you can find more tips: Note-Taking Strategies: Develop your study strategies (

If you feel uncertain in your role as a note-takeror if something is not working well, you should contact the coordinator at Funka. Email

Compensation for note-taking supporters

From the autumn semester 2024, a new model for compensation for note-taking supporters applies: Compensation for assignments is based on the number of credits (hp).

  • Course of 7.5 hp gives 1,500 SEK
  • Course of 15 hp gives 3,000 SEK
  • Course of 30 hp gives 6,000 SEK

Note-takers report completed work in a web form each semester. The form is emailed from to current note-taking supporters at the end of the semester. Compensation is paid on 25 February for assignments completed during the spring semester and on 25 July for assignments during the autumn semester (provided that the completed assignment is reported within the specified time).

Important about registration of bank account

Reimbursement for mentors and note-takers is paid by Swedbank. You register your bank account, according to Swedbank account register.  If you do not register your account, you will receive a payment advice that you can deposit, or redeem at a bank for a fee.

Employment form and handling of personal data

Note-taking supporters are hired for a specific assignment and are not covered by the LAS regulations for fixed-term employees (SÄVA): Forms of employment.

SLU needs to process personal data to be able to pay compensation, see Processing of personal data at SLU.

Assignments as note-taking supporters are also registered in the administrative system Nais, where matters concerning pedagogical support are handled. In Nais, the note-taker is linked to the person(s) they are taking notes for during a certain period. The assignment must be recorded in Nais for the note-taker to receive compensation. The coordinator at Funka handles everything related to Nais.

Checklist for note-taking supporters

This should be kept in mind as a note-taking supporter:

  1. Ensure with the coordinator at Funka that you have an active assignment for a certain period.
  2. Contact Funka if the assignment is not completed, or if it is extended.
  3. Keep track of the email you provided to Funka, so you do not miss important information about fee payment in the end of the semester.
  4. Report the completed assignment in a web form. Then follow the instructions you receive in email from, in the end of the semester.
  5. Register your bank account at Swedbank.
  6. Contact if you have questions or if problems arise.


Study with disabilities

If you have questions about studying with disabilities that might affect your studies and how to apply for study support, contact us at

You can read more about studying with disabilities on the student web.