About Sluss

Last changed: 14 September 2022
Students sitting outdoors on campus Ultuna, photo.

Sluss is the collaborative body for the student unions at SLU. Sluss primary task is to collect the student’s views and make them known at the university’s very highest level. Sluss second task is to promote collaboration between the unions.

Through Sluss, students with a right to vote sit on important bodies like the SLU Board, the Vice-Chancellor’s Management Group, the Study Programmes Board and the Student Welfare Council.

Sluss second task is to promote collaboration between the unions. With seven unions at the university, a body is needed where students can meet and discuss collaboration, ranging from exchanges of experience with each other to ensuring (as far as possible) that social activities do not collide with each other. 

Most of Sluss work is done by two full-time fee-remunerated students who have taken a one-year sabbatical. In order for them to know how the unions want them to work, Sluss has a board consisting of one representative from each of the unions’ boards and one representant of the PhD’s.

In addition to the two people working with study monitoring, Sluss has over 200 students who monitor studies at programme and faculty level through their union alongside their studies.

Read more about Sluss organization here.


Sluss - The Joint Committee of Student Unions of SLU

Email: sluss@slu.se
Phone: +46 70 466 97 74
Postal adress: Sluss, Box 7088, 750 07 Uppsala
Street adress: Birgittatorpet, Duhrevägen 5, Uppsala
Bankgiro: 5391-0709
Corporate ID number: 817603-0586
Contact slusskassor@slu.se about any financial matters.