Other international possibilities

Last changed: 19 September 2023

As an SLU student, you have many other possibilities to study abroad. If you don’t want to go on a traditional semester or yearlong exchange, you can take a summer course, just take one course abroad, or write your thesis abroad, for example.

Summer and intensive courses abroad

If a longer exchange isn’t suitable for you, a summer or intensive course abroad might be a better option. Summer courses suit those who may not want to study abroad for a whole semester or may be wondering whether studying abroad appeals to them. SLU is a member of various networks which arrange summer courses. You can take a summer course or an intensive/short course at any of SLU’s partner universities, some of which even have scholarships available.

ELLS summer courses

ELLS is a network with seven European universities within Life Science. Every summer, a number of different short summer school courses are run at the various partner universities. Apply via ELLS.

If you take an ELLS summer course, you can apply for a travel grant of around 200-300 EUR regardless of what country the course is offered (except for courses offered in Sweden).

SLU offers 10 travel grants per academic year. If there are more than 10 applicants, they will be decided by a lottery. A travel scholarship will only be granted once you have been accepted to an ELLS course.

Apply here: Application for outgoing exchange - Blended Intensive Program (BIP) and ELLS summer courses (moveon4.de)


Summer courses within the NOVA/BOVA network

NOVA and BOVA are two networks made up of Nordic and Baltic universities which, just like SLU, offer studies in life science. These networks organise short courses lasting between five days and four weeks. The countries in the NOVA/BOVA network are Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

If you go on a NOVA or BOVA course, you can apply for a Nordplus scholarship (more information above). You apply to SLU for the scholarship once you have been accepted on the course. Fill out the Application form and send it to: nordplus@slu.se


Erasmus + International Credit Mobility (ICM)

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) is an exchange programme that enables you to study in countries outside the EU, which includes scholarship funding. 

As an exchange student you will study courses at one of SLU:s partner universities within Erasmus+ ICM, or write your master thesis. 


  • Bachelor, master and doctoral students are eligible for Erasmus + ICM. You apply through your department or directly to SLU Mobility, via MoveON. Please see further information below under Application. When you have been nominated for an exchange you can apply for a grant.
  • You are registered as a full-time student at SLU at then time of application and intend to receive your degree from SLU.
  • You have completed a minimum of 60 credits, however, some departments have other requirements depending on the agreement arrangements with the ICM partner University.
  • The minimum period for exchange studies is 90 days. Shorter periods may be approved if the official length of the semester at the host university is shorter than 90 days.

The Erasmus+ ICM grant

The Erasmus+ ICM grant consists of:

  • Individual support, calculated per day*
  • Travel grant
  • Insurance through Kammarkollegiet (Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency).

*The grant is a subsidy intended to cover extra expenses associated with living abroad and will not provide full coverage. The size of the grant varies from year to year. The grant is calculated using the exchange rate on the date when the funds were received by SLU from the EU Commission.


You apply during the application period for exchange studies, via an electronic application form to be completed directly in MoveON, which you can find on the the webpage for exchange studies.

  • For studies beginning in the autumn 2024 or Spring 2025 the application period is 1 November – 22 November
  • For studies beginning in the spring 2025, the application period is 1 May – 31 May (second chance)

Be aware that some ICM agreements for master thesis require an additional application to the department, directly before the application for exchange studies to SLU Mobility, consisting of for example a CV and research project description.

Selected Erasmus+ ICM outgoing exchange students 

Students that have been selected to an Erasmus+ ICM exchange by SLU can access all necessary forms that are required before, during and after the exchange here:


SLU has many partner universities within the Nordic countries, who have joined together in a network called NOVA, the Nordic Forestry, Veterinary, and Agricultural University Network.

An exchange within this Nordic network gives you the chance to deepen your studies within a specific subject, or even study something that is perhaps not taught at SLU. You can apply to courses anywhere between a few weeks (like an intensive course) or up to a full academic year, you have a lot of flexibility here!

If you go on an exchange to one of our neighboring countries (Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland), you can apply for a Nordplus scholarship, which gives you both a travel grant and a scholarship based on how many weeks/months you are abroad. You apply for the scholarship via the Mobility Team once you have been admitted to a course at another university.

Fill out the Application form and send it to: nordplus@slu.se.


SLU Mobility

The Mobility Team provides information about studies abroad, selects and nominates exchange students, administers scholarships etc.
Email to: mobility@slu.se