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Hello SLU student!

Did you forget to apply for your courses for the autumn semester? Late application is now open where there may still be places.

Disruptions and support (in Swedish only)

  • Störning i Skara 3/20/2024 2:38:23 PM

    Beskrivning: Nättjänsten till byggnaden Veterinärmuseet har ett avbrott. Ny fiber behöver dras. Ärendestatus: Aktiv Kommentarer: 2024-06-11: Det är fortfarande totalt avbrott och diskussioner pågår om vem som ska betala ny fiberdragning. Ort: Skara System: Datanätverk Planerat: Nej Påbörjas: 2024-03-19 15:00 Akut: 3 Åtgärd: Ny fiber ska beställas Status: Påbörjad

Student events

New student? Welcome to SLU

The autumn semester starts 2 September. Prepare your study start by reading our information for new students.

Student news

Activate your student account

If you are newly admitted to the autumn semester, you can activate your student account no earlier than the last week of July. With your student account, you can log in to SLU's network, student computers, study systems, student e-mail and use the library's resources.

Jobs, degree projects, internships and scholarships

Get started with SLU's digital tools

As a student at SLU you have access to several digital tools for studies and online teaching.

Student using Zoom