Adapted assessment

Last changed: 16 August 2023
Through half open door, students in lecture hall are shown. Photo.

Programmes often contain several forms of assessment. These include written examinations, take-home examinations, project work, laboratory sessions and essays. Some assessments are written, others are oral. They may take place individually or in groups. Students who have been granted study support may need different types of exam adaptations.

Student requests — coordinator recommends — examiner decides

Once you have applied for support in Nais, you will meet with a Funka coordinator to discuss the challenges you face while you are studying. The coordinator can recommend various adaptations to your assessments. These will be documented in their support decision that you can access through the Nais system.

The course coordinator or examiner will take the ultimate decision on which adaptations are possible for a certain course. The decision will be based on the coordinator’s recommendations. It will also take the intended course learning outcomes and requirements into account.

Your support decision in Nais may include several adaptations. However, your difficulties may vary depending on the situation and the content and structure of the exam. Therefore, you might not need to use all the adaptations for each exam. It is your responsibility to notify or apply for adaptations before each exam on your programme.

Adapted on-campus written examinations

Before each on-campus written exam, you will need to request your adaptations so they can be approved. Find out what applies for each course – how and when to apply. If you register too late, you might have to take the exam without your adaptations.

If you have registered for an adapted assessment, but are prevented from attending, you need to notify whoever has arranged the exam and the person you submitted your application to.

Common adaptations for on-campus written examinations

  • extra time (usually 25% more)
  • writing exams on a computer with speech synthesis and special spelling program
  • sitting the exam in a smaller group.

Less common adaptations for on-campus written examinations

  • sitting the exam in a private room
  • physical aids such as adjustable furniture.

Other adaptations for on-campus written examinations

If other types of adaptations have been recommended for you, such as one of the below, discuss them with your tutor in advance. Ideally at the start of your course.

  • Oral instead of written examination.
  • Additional oral component to a written exam. Usually takes place with the examiner directly after the written examination. You will have the chance to explain and develop your answers
  • Dividing the exam into two components taken on separate occasions. This may be suitable if the exam will be longer than five hours.

Adaptations to other exam formats

Adaptations to other exam formats such as take-home exams, project work, essays, lab reports or presentations may vary depending on what the situation permits. The students’ needs and the programme’s intended learning outcomes will be taken into account. Examples of adaptations:

  • Extended deadlines for written assignments
    Talk to your tutor in advance if you need extended deadlines for written assignment such as essays, take-home exams, project work or lab reports.
  • Oral presentation in a small group.
    This may be suitable if your disability makes it difficult for you to present in front of a large group. The idea is that you present to a smaller group at the start of the programme and hopefully, you gradually practise this skill.

  • Independent instead of group workI
    Some disabilities may make group work difficult. However, working and completing tasks independently is not always possible. Discuss if this adaptation has been recommended in your Nais decision.



Study with disabilities

If you have questions about studying with disabilities that might affect your studies and how to apply for study support, contact us at

You can read more about studying with disabilities on the student web.