Study and career guidance at SLU
Having thoughts about your studies or your future? The study and career counsellors at SLU are available for support throughout your time here.
Do you have questions about study and career choices?
We can assist you with general queries on study and career choices.
We can help you structure your thoughts and explore the opportunities available to you, to help you make a choice that is right for you.
Talk to us about:
Courses or programmes, which education that suits you and how to reach your future goals, your study environment and career after graduating.
The study and career counsellors can give you general advice on courses and programmes at SLU. We can show you where to find detailed information about the content of courses and programmes, what the job prospects are like and also help you assess this information.
Guidance counsellors are bound by professional secrecy – although there are exceptions
As a student, you steer the content of your meetings with us. Everything we discuss is bound by professional secrecy in accordance with Chapter 23, Section 5 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act. This means that the guidance counsellors may not share information about your personal circumstances without your permission.
However, there are two situations in which the guidance counsellors must break professional secrecy:
- If there is a danger to your life and safety, or the life and safety of others.
- If a student or member of staff believes they have been discriminated against, victimised, harassed, sexually harassed or faced reprisals. This also applies to incidents that take place during other activities such as student union events, staff parties, or on social media.
SLU will not tolerate any such behaviour and must therefore investigate all cases. An investigation will determine which measures need to be taken to stop and prevent harassment and victimisation.
Programme students
Do you have questions about the programme you have been admitted to? Contact the programme director of studies for your programme – they specialise in the subject and know the programme well.
They can help you with the following:
- Subject-specific questions, e.g. what courses to choose
- Questions on credit transfer
- Detailed questions on the subject and the programme such as course content
- Questions on your advance notice when transferring credits obtained during exchange studies.
You will find contact details for the programme directors of studies on the student web, on the page for your programme.
Freestanding and distance courses
If you are taking a freestanding or distance-learning course and have not been admitted to a programme, you can contact your course coordinator directly for any course-specific questions.
You will find contact details on the course page on the student web.