
New e-resources available from 2020

Published: 04 February 2020

From the beginning of 2020, the SLU University Library has expanded its collection of e-books and databases. In addition, the library has started a subscription to Cabell’s Blacklist, and updated list of scientific journals deemed to have questionable publishing practices.

The SLU University Library's collection of e-books in SpringerLink will be expanded with a larger purchase in biomedicine, life sciences, earth and environmental sciences. The purchase gives library users access to e-books published in these fields from 2005 and onwards. New publications will be available immediately.

Other new e-resources in the library are the databases Nationalencyklopedin, Wordfinder and Zoological Information Management Systems. The subscription to Nationalencyklopedin grants free access to the digital version of the encyclopedia and is active from the 1st of January. Nationalencyklopedin is only available in Swedish.

Wordfinder is a database that consists of about 500 dictionaries. It mainly covers the larger European languages (English, French, German and Spanish) but other languages are also included, as well as a number of technical dictionaries in fields like for example engineering, geology and economy.

Access to the database Zoological Information Management Systems (ZIMS) is provided by an agreement with the organization Species360. It consists of a large quantity of data about different types of animals and can be used, for example, to look at reference intervals and dosage for more unusual animals. Note that you need to log in to the database to access it (go to login information (PDF)).

The SLU University Library has also started a subscription to Cabell's Blacklist, that lists journals deemed to have questionable publishing practices. This information can be used by researchers as a tool in the publication process. The list is searchable and every individual listing is followed by a summary that details why the journal is included as questionable.
