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News for SLU staff

Here we present news items published on SLU's staff web.

There are 48 pages tagged with News for SLU staff:

Thesis Day 2024

Thesis Day 2024 was held at Ultuna and Alnarp campuses and included a poster exhibition, oral presentations, an award ceremony, as well as a much appreciated closing ceremony where the students

International symposium at Alnarp about managing public spaces

June 3–5, the subject group Landscape governance and management at SLU organizes an international symposium on management of the public spaces, which is aimed at researchers as well as practitioners.

New forms of collaboration and learning are being tested in Malmö

At the Botildenborg site, situated on the outskirts of Rosengård in Malmö, the Botildenborg Foundation operates a farm and meeting place. Here, urban farming converges with a spectrum of social

International Student Barometer

The International Student Barometer (ISB) surveys approximately 120 000 students around the world. The latest results see the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) ranking first for

Mobile bike service at Campus Ultuna!

Does your bike need a bit of extra care after the winter? Now a mobile bike service opens up for students and employees at Campus Ultuna so that you can easily get help with the bicycle while you are

Professorial inauguration – lectures

Professorial inauguration – lectures helena.pennlov@slu.se On Friday 19 April professors from Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala will be inaugurated at SLU Ultuna. Illustrations: Fredrik Saarkoppel,

Orolig värld

It is with sadness that we take note of a worsening conflict situation in both Ukraine and the Middle East. War is devastating, and our thoughts go out to those affected. SLU as a university adheres

Information regarding a confirmed case of meningococcal infection in a student at SLU

Recently, a case of meningococcal infection was confirmed in a student at SLU. In light of this, contact tracing has been conducted through the Infectious Disease Control Unit in Region Uppsala.

Student design competition in Umeå - opening March 2024

SLU Urban Futures, in co-operation with Umeå municipality, will launch a student design competition in March 2024. Students in the field of Landscape Architecture and sustainable urban development

Navigating the Future of Meat

In January, SLU Future Food, in collaboration with the Student Union and TABLE, hosted an inclusive workshop to discuss and engage in the often polarised issue of the future of meat. With a diverse

Sign up for the Mario Kart Tournament in Ultuna

Last year’s success is back! Sign up for the Ultuna Mario Kart Tournament no later than February 22 and show everyone why YOU are the best gamer around! The tournament takes place throughout the

Collaboration - important for SLU's Forest Damage Centre, forestry sector and authorities

On 18-19 January the SLU Forest Damage Centre organised its annual meeting in Eskilstuna inviting scientist, representatives from forestry sector and authorities. Throughout the conference
