SLU news

SLU performs well in global sustainability ranking

Published: 28 April 2022
Cherry tree at Campus Ultuna. Photo.

SLU is among the 301–400 best universities in the world when Times Higher Education ranks the world’s higher education institutions based on their contributions to the sustainable development goals. For individual goals, SLU does even better.

An important aspect of the ranking is the scientific publications that contribute to sustainability efforts.

 “It’s great to see SLU doing so well when it comes to scientific publications connected to the goals we have submitted reports for. For other aspects of the ranking, there are lessons to be learnt. We’ll be happy to find inspiration with other universities all over the world where sustainability is high on the agenda” says Ylva Hillbur, SLU’s pro vice-chancellor for international relations.

The ranking is also affected by how well SLU has implemented knowledge of sustainability issues in its operations. This could for example be energy-saving measures at our campuses and other sites around the country.

“We’re happy that SLU ranks as highly as 57 globally for goal 13, Climate Action. This is evidence of our hard work and proof that we’ve made a good start. Above all, our efforts to become climate-neutral have been rewarded” says Johanna Sennmark, environmental manager at SLU.

SLU’s Agenda 2030 group will now analyse the results more in detail to chart the way forward. Through our chairpersonship of the SUHF Climate Network, SLU will also be a driving force behind the climate efforts of Swedish higher education institutions.


The 2022 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings were the fourth to be carried out, covering a total of 1,406 higher education institutions from 106 countries.

For each sustainable development goal, a number of criteria have been defined. Higher education institutions are awarded points based on documentation they submit, showing the extent to which they have fulfilled the criteria.

SLU is taking part for the first time and had chosen four of the goals for assessment. All participating higher education institutions had to submit a report for goal 17, Partnerships for the Goals, and an additional three goals.

SLU’s results for the individual goals for 2022:

  • Zero Hunger (goal 2), ranked 74.
  • Climate Action (goal 13), ranked 57.
  • Life on Land (goal 15), ranked 101–200.
  • Partnerships for the Goals (goal 17), ranked 301–400.

Of the Swedish higher education institutions included in this year’s ranking, SLU ranks as third, after the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the University of Gothenburg.