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Here is a list of web pages, including news and events, that are related to SLU´s international collaboration.

There are 19 pages tagged with International:


Are you pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's programme at SLU? Do you enjoy studying at SLU and want to inspire others? If so, apply to become a Unibuddy! We’re currently looking for 3-4 new Unibuddies.

Sustainable Innovation Hackathon

Sustainable Innovation Hackathon 12-15 June utb-webb@slu.se Do you want to develop social or technological innovation ideas for how to make your city more sustainable and climate adapted together

Apply to Science and Sail 2024 Lithuania in August

Apply to Science and Sail 2024 Lithuania in August utb-webb@slu.se The Baltic University Programme (BUP) and Klaipėda University, proudly present Science and Sail 2024, a summer school with a focus

International Student Barometer

The International Student Barometer (ISB) surveys approximately 120 000 students around the world. The latest results see the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) ranking first for

Explore your career in Sweden – National Student Workshop

Explore your career in Sweden – National Student Workshop utb-webb@slu.se All international students in Sweden are invited to this online workshop. During this session, we will share the following

Bridging disciplines through Urban Healthscapes

Urban Healthscapes is a useful concept to facilitate interdisciplinary research on health issues in urban settings. This was one of the key messages from a recent webinar arranged in collaboration


On December 13th the student teams from 5 Nordic and Baltic universities pitched their food and biotechnology related business ideas to an international jury at the NOBALIS Demo Day. The teams have

Stipend for international thesis work

Application deadline for stipend for international thesis work utb-webb@slu.se Are you interested to do field work for your thesis work in a low- or middle income country? There is an opportunity

Urban Health

Webinar: Urban Health – Diverse perspectives on health in urban settings hanna.weiber.post@slu.se How do we define, understand, and relate to health? What tendencies or changes can we observe in

Participate in master thesis training

Participate in master thesis training (MTT) utb-webb@slu.se The Master Thesis Training (MTT) is an opportunity for master students at BUP participating universities to come together in an

SLU Urban Futures joins the Sea Forum of BoSS Malmö

The Bauhaus of the Seas Sails (BoSS) is a project funded under the call for the development of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) by the European Union. The project aims to promote renewed ethical and

Basic research and education on integrative taxonomy and biodiversity

Basic research and education on integrative taxonomy utb-webb@slu.se Join the live stream from ELLS General Assembly and Forum on 17 November 2023. 9:30 – 10:00 BIO II, Audimax Introduction of
