8:30 - 9:00 Breakfast mingle
9:00 Welcome address
Karl Lövrie, Pro Dean at the Faculty of Landscape
Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science
9:05 – Introduction to SLU Urban Futures
Lisa Diedrich, Nina Vogel, Andrew Gallagher
9:15 – Launch ‘scape dossier – Urban Disturbance: from times
of upheaval to spaces for change
Lisa Diedrich & Andrew Gallagher
09:30 – 12:00 Keynote session #1: Critical urbanities: Negotiating
urban space in times of change
Lisa Diedrich, Professor of Landscape Architecture at SLU
& Director of SLU Urban Futures, Sweden
09:40 – Whose city is it? The role of public space for
socio-spatial change
Flavio Janches, Architect and Professor of
Architecture and Urban Design at the
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
10:10 - Coffee break
10:20 – Urban commoning as emancipatory practice: socio-spatial relations and the urban commons in Stockholm
Nathalie Bergame, Doctoral researcher at KTH, Sweden
11:00 – The dilemma of expertise: Power,
justification and ambivalence in urban governance
Martin Westin, Researcher at the Division of
Environmental Communication at SLU, Sweden
11:30 – Everyday food insecurity: Place-making
through community-organising
Megan Blake, Senior Lecturer at the
Department of Geography at Sheffield University, UK
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch & mingle around book tables with ‘scape #18
copies and thematic publications
13:00 – 15:20 Keynote session #2: The city as a change-maker for
sustainable foodscapes
Ingrid Sarlöv Herlin, Professor of Landscape Planning at SLU, Sweden
13:10 – The rise of urban food planning
Kevin Morgan, Professor of Governance and
Development at Cardiff University, UK
13:40 – Urban space, participatory design and the
cultivation of food in New York
Carolin Mees, Adjunct Professor at Parsons School of Design, The New School University, New York City, USA
14:10 – Coffee break
14:20 – Public meals as a driver of sustainable food
production and consumption in Södertälje
Sara Seing, Head of Diet Unit Södertälje Municipality & Operations Manager for MatLust, Sweden
14:40 – Circular Economy perspectives on a sustainable food system in Gothenburg
Kristina Fermskog, Environmental Investigator at Göteborg Stad, Sweden
15:00 – Stadsbruk for local and organic food production: knowledge for a sustainable society in Norrtälje
Pascal Letter, Project Manager at Stadsbruk Roslagen, Sweden
15:20 – Re-framing the city through permaculture: An
introduction to Ultuna Permakultur
Max Whitman, Chairman and Founder of Ultuna Permakultur, Sweden
15:30 – Wrap-up and concluding remarks
Andrew Gallagher
15:35 – Tour of Ultuna Permakultur
Max Whitman, Chairman and Founder of Ultuna Permakultur, Sweden