SLU news

Starting this season: the seed library!

Published: 23 June 2021

This autumn, the SLU University Library starts up a seed library in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala. By donating seeds and making them available for others to grow, we can take advantage of the knowledge and interest in cultivation that exists at SLU!

This autumn, the SLU University Library will start a seed library in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala – and to build up the collection we need your help! Do you have seeds that you will not use, or can you put some away from plants you grow this summer? Save them for later and submit them to the library when the next semester starts!

The basic idea of the seed library is to create a forum where it’s possible to share and spread old cultivated plants and interesting species. We also hope that the seed library can function as a place to share experiences and the joy of cultivation as well as make new contacts. Together, we can take advantage of the knowledge that already exists at SLU!

When you have grown flowers or vegetables from the seeds, we would appreciate if you take some seeds back to the seed library in preparation for the next cultivation season.

Donate seeds to the seed library

  • Pour about 15 seeds per bag or about 5 ml if the seeds are very small. You can make the bag yourself by using a coffee filter or get one ready made from the library.
  • We are grateful if you write down the name of the plant, how to care for it and a little background about it. If you can include a picture, that is also appreciated.
  • Leave the seed bags in the library information desk or in the seed library.

Contact the library if you have any questions. 
