SLU news

SLU Sweden´s best young university

Published: 07 June 2018

With a 36th place in the world list, SLU is ranked Sweden's best "young university" in the Times Higher Education ranking. The list covers 250 universities in 55 countries, all under 50 years old.

"It is gratifying that we hold our position among the top 50. Competition here is rock hard, and especially the new Asian universities are coming strong," says SLU Vice-Chancellor Peter Högberg.

"Not least, it is a very good rating for our employees, both in research, education and in support functions," says Peter Högberg.

Times Higher Education, THE, is one of the world's highest-rated university rankings. Universities and colleges are evaluated based on five criteria: education, research, citations, internationalisation and external fundings.

SLU is well placed in more of the THE rankings. In the latest worldwide list of higher education institutions, SLU held its place in the range 251–300.

In the ranking of the world's young universities, three from Sweden appear. In addition to SLU, also Örebro in place 62 and Linköping in place 73.

At the top, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is followed by École Polytechnique de Lausanne in Switzerland and Singapore University.  
