Operational Management of Industrial Wood Supply
The course can be completed entirely on distance. Teaching takes place from the campus in Umeå, where infrastructure is provided for students who are physically present.
Information from the course leader
Välkommen till kursen Operativ styrning av virkesleveranser som ingår i mastersprogrammet Skoglig råvaruförsörjning!
Här kommer allmän information om studentkonto, registrering på kurs, samt annan praktisk information:
Studentkonto behövs för att komma åt mejl, Zoom, Canvas, VPN och Remote desktop. För information om hur du skapar ett studentkonto, se här: https://student.slu.se/studieservice/it-stod1/support/ny-student-kom-igang/.
Registrering på kurs
Du kommer sannolikt att antas till kursen med villkor, och kan därmed inte självregistrera dig på kursen. Detta beror på att föregående kurs i programmet ger nödvändiga förkunskaper som uppfyller behörighetsvillkoren för denna kurs. Kursledaren granskar dina uppnådda meriter i samband med kursstarten och avgör om villkoren uppfyllts och du får registreras. Det sker då manuellt. Om du uppfyllt behörighetsvillkoren redan vid antagningen så kan du självregistrera dig.
Särskilt studiestöd
Har du behov av särskilt stöd för undervisning ska du informera kursledaren om det redan vid kursstart så att eventuella särskilda arrangemang kan ordnas. Se https://student.slu.se/studieservice/studiestod/funka/vilket-stod-kan-jag-fa/
Krav på teknisk utrustning vid deltagande på distans
Vid distansdeltagande behöver du följande:
- En dator av nyare modell med ett modernt operativsystem (Windows eller MacOS)
- Microsoft Officepaketet (framförallt Word och Excel) rekommenderas
- Bredbandsuppkoppling från en störningsfri miljö (hemmakontor)
- Webkamera
- Ljudutrustning av god kvalitet för både ut-/ingående ljud (t.ex. ett bra headset)
- Ha Zoom, SLU VPN och Remote desktop installerat på din dator
Emanuel Erlandsson, kursledare & programstudierektor
Welcome to the course Operational Management of Industrial Wood Supply, which is part of the Industrial Wood Supply Management Master's program!
Here is general information about student accounts, course registration, and other practical information:
Student IT account
Student IT account is needed to access email, Zoom, Canvas, VPN and Remote desktop. For information on how to create a student IT account, see here: https://student.slu.se/en/study-support/it-support/support/new-student---start/.
Course registration
You will likely be admitted to the course with conditions, and thus cannot self-register for the course. This is because the previous course in the program provides the necessary prerequisites that meet the eligibility requirements for this course. The course leader reviews your achieved merits in connection with the start of the course and decides whether the conditions have been met and you may be registered. It is then done manually. If you already met the requirements upon admission, you can self-register.
Disability study support
If you need disability study support, you must inform the course leader about it already at the start of the course so that any special arrangements can be made. https://student.slu.se/en/study-support/study-support/ability/vilket-stod-kan-jag-fa/
Requirements for technical equipment when participating on distance
For remote participation, you need the following:
- A newer model computer with a modern operating system (Windows or MacOS)
- The Microsoft Office package (especially Word and Excel) is recommended
- Broadband connection from an interference-free environment (home office)
- Webcam
- Good quality audio equipment for both output/input audio (eg. a headset)
- Have Zoom, SLU VPN and Remote desktop installed on your computer
Best regards,
Emanuel Erlandsson, course leader and program director of studies
Course evaluation
The course evaluation is not yet activated
The course evaluation is open between 2025-03-17 and 2025-04-07
Additional course evaluations for SV0049
Academic year 2024/2025
Operational Management of Industrial Wood Supply (SV0049-30284)
2025-01-20 - 2025-03-24
Syllabus and other information
SV0049 Operational Management of Industrial Wood Supply, 15.0 Credits
Operativ styrning av virkesleveranserSubjects
Forestry ScienceEducation cycle
Master’s levelModules
Title | Credits | Code |
Production | 6.0 | 0001 |
Transport | 6.0 | 0002 |
Coordination | 3.0 | 0003 |
Advanced study in the main field
Second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirementsMaster’s level (A1F)
Grading scale
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.
EnglishPrior knowledge
120 credits, of which 60 credits within one of the following subjects/disciplinary domains- forestry science
- forest science
- forest management
- forest and wood engineering
The equivalent of
- 10 credits forestry science at second-cycle level within wood science/wood technology
- 7,5 credits forestry science at second-cycle level within forest technology
- 5 credits within geographic information systems (GIS)
- English 6.
The course intends to provide the student knowledge of how the supply chain from forest up to raw material delivery at industry is structured and how the practical implementation is controlled.
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- carry out and critically evaluate operational planning of wood supply from forest to industry
- analyze and critically evaluate how planning, execution and control interact in the operational management of wood supply
- coordinate the different stages in the supply chain from forest to industry
- discuss and communicate own results with external parties as well as critically evaluate others’ results.
The course focuses on the operational steps of raw material supply: How to go from plan to practical implementation with as efficient use of resources as possible and prepares the student for a professional role within industrial wood supply. The course content trains the students’ ability to handle the operational challenges connected to supply industries with the right forest raw material in the right time and to the right price, while securing resource efficiency and sustainability. The course is divided into three main sections; Harvesting, transportation, and coordination and control. The harvesting and transportation sections include economics, service procurement, management, and control to fulfil delivery plans to industries. Coordination and control includes organization of activities for planning, execution, and control along the supply chain.
The course uses different forms of teaching to promote students’ learning and discussions through group exercises, literature seminars, lectures of industrial representatives, and a case study.
The course focuses on the following general competencies:
Critical thinking, problem solving, oral communication, written communication, cooperation, time management
The following sections are mandatory:
Exercises, case study and specific seminars.
Cooperation with the surrounding society takes place through working life/vocational connections in program/course development together with an external program council of employer representatives, as well as through guest lectures and exercise materials from the forestry industry.
Grading form
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.Formats and requirements for examination
Passed oral and written reports. Passed participation in compulsory components.
If a student has failed an examination, the examiner has the right to issue supplementary assignments. This applies if it is possible and there are grounds to do so.
The examiner can provide an adapted assessment to students entitled to study support for students with disabilities following a decision by the university. Examiners may also issue an adapted examination or provide an alternative way for the students to take the exam.
If this syllabus is withdrawn, SLU may introduce transitional provisions for examining students admitted based on this syllabus and who have not yet passed the course.
For the assessment of an independent project (degree project), the examiner may also allow a student to add supplemental information after the deadline for submission. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Other information
The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision only applies for the course instance the student was admitted to and registered on.
If there are special reasons, students are entitled to participate in components with compulsory attendance when the course is given again. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Additional information
The course is part of the master’s program Industrial Wood Supply Management. The course builds on the previous course in the program by turning planning into practical implementation. The course is the third in the program and can be completed entirely on distance. Teaching takes place from the campus in Umeå, where infrastructure is provided for students who are physically present.The special entry requirement in wood science/wood technology can be met through the program course SV0047 Raw Material Properties and Refining Processes, and the entry requirement in forest technology can be met through the program course SV0048 Forest Industrial Supply Strategy.
Responsible department
Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology
Further information
Litterature list
Literature list 2025 - preliminary
SV0049 Operational management of industrial wood supply
Course leader: Emanuel Erlandsson
**Module 1 Production (PR)**
Erlandsson, E. 2016. The triad perspective on business models for wood harvesting – tailoring for service satisfaction within forest owners associations. Doctoral dissertation no. 124. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae. [https://pub.epsilon.slu.se/13855/1/erlandsson\_e\_161121.pdf](
Erlandsson, E., Fjeld, D. 2017. Impacts of service buyer management on contractor profitability and satisfaction – a Swedish case study. International Journal of Forest Engineering. 28:148-156. [http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14942119.2017.1367235](
Jylhä P., Rikkonen P., Hamunen K. 2020. Size matters – an analysis of business models and the financial performance of Finnish wood-harvesting companies. Silva Fennica vol. 54 no. 4
article id 10392. 23 p. [https://www.silvafennica.fi/pdf/article10392.pdf](
Lindroos, O. 2016. Planeringsprocessen vid operativ planering av drivning. Kompendium SLU. Delas ut/läggs på hemsida.
Renström, J. 2008. Säsongvis avverkning – det operativa traktvalets påverkan på den säsongmässiga uthålligheten i ett bolagsdistrikts traktbank. Arbetsrapport 214, Inst för skoglig resurshushållning, SLU Umeå. [https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/12102/1/renstrom\_j\_171107.pdf](
**Module 2 – Transport (TR)**
Andersson, G, Flisberg, P, Lidén ,B, Rönnqvist, M. 2008. RuttOpt – a decision support system for routing of logging trucks. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 1784-1796. Delas ut.
Carlsson, D., Rönnqvist, M. 1998. Tactical planning of forestry transportation with respect to backhauling. Lith-MAT-R-1998-13. Delas ut.
Haksever, C., Render, B. ,Russel, R. and Murdick, R. 2000. CD-Tutorial: Vehicle routing and scheduling. From: Service management and operations. Prentice-Hall. Delas ut.
Karanta, I, Jokinen, O Mikkola, T, Savola, J, Bounsaythip, C. 2000. Requirements for a vehicle routing and scheduling system in timber transport. In: Sjöström, K. (ed) 2000. Proceedings from 1st World Symposium on Logistics in the forest sector. Timber Logistics Club. Delas ut.
Lindström, J. 2010. Kartläggning av ruttplaneringsprocesser för virkestransportörer. Arbetsrapport 285 2010. Inst. för skoglig resurshushållning, SLU Umeå. [https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/1733/1/Lindstrom\_J100707.pdf](
Lumsden, K. 2012. Logistikens grunder (Teknisk logistik). Studentlitteratur, Lund. Kapitel 6
(Järnvägstransporter) och 7 (Sjötransporter). 6 ex i kursbiblioteket (plus 6 ex av äldre upplaga).
Savola, J, Rummumainen, H, Jokinen, O. 2004. KUORMA: a collection of APS-algorithms for forest in wood transport. ERCIM News No. 56, January 2004. Delas ut.
Sjölling, I, Rönnqvist, E, Fjeld, D. 2023. Rail transport in Swedish wood supply – seasonal variation, system risks and mitigation costs. International Journal of Forest Egineering, 34:2.
Sterner, K, Edman, T, Fjeld, D. 2023. Transport management – a Swedish case study of organizational processes and performance, International Journal of Forest Engineering.
Sveriges Åkeriföretag. 2023. Åkerinäringen med verksamhetsområden. Nyckeltal för lönsamhet och tillväxt. Rementum Research & Management, Malmö. [https://www.akeri.se/sites/default/files/2023-10/Nyckeltalsrapport\_Sveriges\_%20%C3%85kerif%C3%B6retag\_2023.pdf](
**Module 3 – Coordination (SCM)**
Hultén, L. & Bohlin, H. 2002. Information exchange and controllability in logistics. Working paper –Transport Research Institute, Stockholm. Delas ut.
Jörgensen, F. 1995. Overview of function modelling – IDEF0. In: Information Management in Computer Integrated Manufacturing: A Comprehensive Guide to State-of-the-Art CIM Solutions. Springer-Verlag. Sid 340-354. Delas ut.
Ljungberg, A., Larsson, E. & Roos, C. 2001. Processbaserad verksamhetsutveckling. Studentlitteratur: k6 Identifiering och kartläggning av processer. Delas ut.
Mattson, S.-A. 2012. Logistik i försörjningskedjor. Studentlitteratur, Lund. Kapitel (3) ,(4), 5, (7), 8, 12. 8 ex i kursbiblioteket (plus 6 ex av äldre upplaga).
Sterman, J. D. 1998. Deterministic chaos in models of human behaviour: methodological issues and experimental results. System Dynamics Review 4(1-2): 148-178. Delas ut.