SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours
As an admitted student at SLU, you automatically have a library account, and we offer support and help both on campus and digitally.
You are welcome to visit us on our campuses, or online. You can get help via chat and phone during weekdays, and you can always email us.
As a student at SLU, you automatically get a library account when you are admitted to a programme or course. The only thing you need to do to start borrowing books is to choose a four-digit PIN code to use in our self-check machines. You do this by logging into your account in our search tool Primo. In Primo you will also find all our books and journals, both printed and electronic.
To download or read e-books or articles in e-journals wherever you are, you need to use SLU's VPN (Virtual Private Network) service. On the desktop computers on our campuses, you always have access to all e-resources.
The library can support you in your studies in several different ways. We teach, for example, information searching and source criticism in courses and programmes. You can also visit our digital drop-in on Wednesdays or book a meeting with a librarian or language tutor.
The library offers support for those with reading and writing difficulties in the form of talking books and computers equipped with useful programmes.
You can use printers in all of our libraries. Learn more from IT-support on how to get started:
For those studying remotely, the library offers, among other things, the delivery of books to your home address and an extended loan period. To take advantage of this service, contact the library and let us know that you are a distance student!
During term time, you can also visit our libraries for a moment of relaxation from your studies. Take a look at our calendar to see what we are offering in the coming months!
SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours