
New vice-chancellor proposed

Published: 02 June 2021

As our current deputy vice-chancellor, Karin Holmgren, will leave her post at the end of the year, the recruitment of a new deputy vice-chancellor is underway. On 1 June, the recruitment group met and formally decided on its proposal.

The recruitment group, with 13 members from different parts of the university, has carried out considerable work and has interviewed several candidates. The group then proposed Professor Pär Forslund as their candidate, and a hearing was conducted with the consultative assembly.

The recruitment group has now taken a formal decision to propose Pär Forslund as the new deputy vice-chancellor from 1 January 2022. The SLU Board will appoint the new deputy vice-chancellor at its meeting on 17 June.

“The recruitment group, which has a broad composition, was unanimous in its proposal to the board, which is very satisfying”, says Rolf Brennerfelt, chair of the SLU Board and of the recruitment group.

Pär Forslund has been a professor of ecology at SLU since 2012. He is currently pro-dean at the NJ Faculty in charge of education. He is also chair of the Programme Board for Education in Natural Resources and Agriculture (PN-NJ).