
New strategy and action plan for fisheries and aquaculture 2021-2026

Published: 02 June 2021

The Swedish Board of Agriculture and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management have now launched a new strategy for Swedish fisheries and aquaculture 2021-2026 and an action plan for the development of aquaculture. Efforts to develop these have occurred in broad cooperation with other government agencies, industry organizations, NGOs and researchers, including aquaculture researchers at SLU.

The strategy emphasizes the importance of well-functioning and well-managed ecosystems as a basis for profitable and competitive industries, and the need to take into account all three perspectives of sustainability - environmental, economic and social. It also highlights the need for better knowledge, competence and communication to support management and the development of industries. The measures in the action plan for Swedish aquaculture aim to meet the goals in the strategy.  

The following areas have been prioritized in the action plan for developing aquaculture 2021-2026: 

  1. Location of aquaculture
  2. The aquaculture's environmental impact and environmental benefits
  3. Preventive health and increased animal welfare 
  4. Digitalizing of Swedish aquaculture production
  5. Reproduction and production before further rearing
  6. Reproduction and production before release into the wild 
  7. Development of production techniques and species 
  8. Nutrition and feed development 
  9. National coordination of the authorization and inspection processes 
  10. Market measures 
  11. Increased competence and innovation.