
Proactive testing of COVID-19 at Campus Umeå

Published: 25 August 2020

Students and employees at SLU Umeå are welcome to participate in a study to assess the prevalence of active COVID-19 infection at the start of the autumn semester. Umeå University and Region Västerbotten have been assigned by the Public Health Agency of Sweden to carry out the study.

Why is this testing performed?

The study is a part of the Public Health Agency of Sweden's role in gathering information about the corona pandemic. Knowing who has been infected can prevent others from being infected too, and it also helps to reduce further spread of infection. The study will also help researchers learn how disease is spread.

This is how the testing of COVID-19 will take place

All staff and students who will be in Umeå during the period of the testing, and who can get to Campus Umeå, are welcome to participate. Please note that all participants must have a Swedish personal identity number. Participation is voluntary and free of charge.

If you hand in a test, you will find out within three days if you carry the virus, or not, through the mobile app used to register your test. If you carry the virus, you will get instructions and advice through the app on how to take necessary precautions and instructions for contact tracing, which can reduce the risk of further spread of infection.

The Swedish Armed Forces aid the study in handing out testkits and collecting returned samples at three stations on Campus Umeå. They also make sure that it is safe for you to pick up and drop off tests and make sure that physical distancing can be maintained to reduce the risk of spreading infection when partaking in the study. Please travel to Campus Umeå by bike or on foot to avoid public transport.

All participants are asked to undertake the self-test twice, the second time after a week. The test is carried out as self-swab in nose and throat. Material for sampling will be handed out outdoors on Campus Umeå, and this is where you will also return your sample. Register your sample through the mobile app.Instructions on how to download and use the app will be released on Friday 28 August.

When will testing take place?

  • The first sampling is open 31 August–3 September at 08:00–18:00.
  • The second sampling is open on 7 September –10 September at 08:00–18:00.

Find out more

Find out more detailed information about the testing, a map of where the test kits are handed out and collected and other practical information about the app that is used and other prerequisites for taking part on