
SLU is taking part in challenging hackers in this autumn’s Hack for Sweden 365

Published: 29 October 2020
Hack for Sweden´s logo on a green background, illustration.

Swedish National Space Agency and National Forest Data Lab, which is run by The Swedish Forest Agency together with SLU, are joining forces with a joint challenge for this autumn’s digital hackathon. Registration to take part in the competition will open soon!

Why are the Swedish National Space Agency, the Swedish Forest Agency and SLU presenting a joint challenge  

–  Swedish National Space Agency, the Swedish Forest Agency and SLU have been collaborating for a long time on open data that is well suited for Hack for Sweden 365, says Anna Lundhagen, Pro Vice-chancellor for Collaboration and Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 

Registration for Hack for Sweden 365 will open soon 

This year the competition will be online and take place on the 21–22 November. Two weeks later, on 5–6 December, the finals will be held and the winner will be chosen. The primary lanugage will be Swedish for the competition but anyone who wants to develop solutions to societal challenges and a make a difference are welcome to participate! However, places are limited by a maximum of 10 teams with 4-6 participants per team.  


Hack for Sweden 365 is an innovation competition with the aim of meeting societal challenges by using open data digitally. The aim is to promote the use of open data through collaboration between public administration and, for example, business and industry, civil society and higher education institutions. The project is based on a mandate given by the Swedish government and is run by the Agency for Digital Government (DIGG), in collaboration with other government agencies there among SLU. This year, the project group is developing and testing a new concept for the competition.