SLU news

SLU Urban Futures in Almedalen

Published: 12 June 2018

SLU Urban Futures is organising two seminars on sustainable urban development during the Almedalen Week this year. Both seminars will take place Wednesday 4 July. The platform will also participate in two panels and monitor the discussions held during the week on topics concerning urban sustainability.

SLU Urban Futures is hosting the following seminars in Almedalen 2018:

Wednesday 4 July at 8:30 - 10:00
Urban futures - trends, black swans and visions
Location: Uppsala University, E building, Hall E35

The future development of urban areas will have profound impact on the possibilities to reach global sustainability targets such as the Agenda 2030 SDGs and the Paris agreement on mitigating climate change. In this breakfast seminar we explore urban futures from two perspectives: what could happen and what should happen. In relation to what could happen we ask what current mega trends and weak signals are important for urban actors to take into account? And how can we build resilience to black swans, i.e. improbable and unexpected events? Thereafter we change focus to the desirable: what should happen. What changes are needed for sustainability goals to be achieved or achievable? What does the sustainable city look like and how do we get there? ​

Breakfast is served from 08:15. The seminar begins at 08:45.
PDF invitation, in Swedish (Please share!)

Wednesday 4 July at 15.15 - 17:30
Beyond the Car: Vehicle Reduced Urban Development from Utopia to Practice
Location: Hästgatan 12, Visby

Vehicle reduced urban development is a growing trend which promotes alternative mobility solutions such as walking, cycling and public transport. Besides being more climate friendly, vehicle reduced urban development brings benefits also for other sustainability aspects: children's outdoor environment, gender equality and ecosystem services.

PDF invitation, in Swedish (Please share!)

Other seminars in which SLU Urban Futures participates:

Wednesday 4 July at 11:15 am - 12:00
Smart urbanisering - att bygga i det redan byggda
Organiser: BoKlok, Sveriges träbyggnadskansli

Tuesday July 3 July at 15:00 - 15:45
Klimatfrågans allvar – så kan vi agera
Organiser: Tankesmedjan Global Utveckling


Do you want to know more about our seminars or do you have tips on participates, seminars or anything else that you think we should know? Please write to


Follow our Twitter account @SLUUrbanFutures to keep track on what we do and hear during the Almedalen Week. We will tweet with the hashtags #bortombilen and #framtidensstader.

Read about SLU's overall presence in Almedalen here.


The Almedalen Week (Almedalsveckan, also known as Politician's Week in Almedalen is an annual event taking place in week 27 in and around Almedalen, a park in the city of Visby on the Swedish island Gotland.

With speeches, seminars and other political activities, it is considered to be the most important forum in Swedish politics. During the week, representatives from the major political parties in Sweden take turns to make speeches in Almedalen.