30 Nov

Björken, SLU, Umeå

Final seminar about a collaborative project on multidamaged forest

events | seminars, workshops |

Welcome to the final seminar for the collaboration project multi-damaged young forest in northern Sweden. Come and listen to the latest research findings, get answers to your questions and use the opportunity to influence future research in the field. Observe that the seminar will be held i Swedish.

The project started in 2020 when the problem with forest damage in north Sweden coased concerns among authorities and forestry. The project has been working on questions about what causes the damage and how it should be handled in the long and short term. But also how to recognize the varios pests and about best practice for the management of damaged areas. 

The Forest Agency, which is responsible for the project, has worked in collaboration with SLU, Skogsforsk, Sveaskog, SCA, Holmen, Norra Skog, the Church of Sweden and the Hunters' Association.

You can read more about the project on The Forest Agency's webbpage. Obs. In swedish!

And on the webbpage for the seminar you find information and program. Obs. In swedish!




ake.olson@slu.se, 018-671876