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Forest damages

There are 10 pages tagged with Forest damages:

Annual meeting for Forest Damage Research school

2nd Annual meeting for SLU Forest Damage Research school theres.svensson@slu.se Welcome to the second annual meeting of the SLU Forest Damage Research School. The second annual meeting will be

Autumn webinar about forest damage

Autumn webinar about forest damage theres.svensson@slu.se SLU Forest Damage Centre invites you to an autumn webinar on 24 October, where results from various projects in the forest damage field

PhD course: Forest damage - Monitoring and enviromental assessment

PhD course: Forest damage - Monitoring and environmental assessment theres.svensson@slu.se The next PhD student course on “Monitoring and environmental assessment” will start in March. The

Registration open for the PhD-course 'Forest Damage - Monitoring and eviromental assessment'

The registration is now open for the PhD student course on “Monitoring and environmental assessment” that will start in March. The objective of the course is to provide the students with a basic

Study visit for PhD students at SLU Forest Damage Centre research School

Study visit for PhD students at SLU Forest Damage Centre research school theres.svensson@slu.se Welcome to study visit! SLU Forest Damage Centre welcomes PhD students to a first study visit. It

Collaboration - important for SLU's Forest Damage Centre, forestry sector and authorities

On 18-19 January the SLU Forest Damage Centre organised its annual meeting in Eskilstuna inviting scientist, representatives from forestry sector and authorities. Throughout the conference

Curiosity and interest was high on the annual meeting of SLU Forest Damage Centre’s Research school

Lots of curios questions and high interest was expressed when the PhD-students of the research school met together with representatives from the forest sector for the first annual meeting on 15th and

Final seminar about multidamaged forest - a collaborative projekt

Final seminar about a collaborative project on multidamaged forest theres.svensson@slu.se Welcome to the final seminar for the collaboration project multi-damaged young forest in northern Sweden.

Registration is now open for SLU Forest Damage Research School's first annual meeting

Welcome to the SLU Skogsskadecentrum's research school's first annual meeting, which is arranged together with Sveaskog. Registration for the annual meeting has now opened. The annual meeting will be

Last day to register: PhD student course PhD student course Forest damage - incidence and causation

Last day to register: PhD student course Forest damage - incidence and causation katja.fedrowitz@slu.se Deadline to register for the PhD student course Forest damage - incidence and causation is
