27 Aug

Room Z in Ulls hus, Ultuna, Uppsala

INSTAGRANIMAL - A symposium on the animal ethics and welfare challenges in animal-based tourism

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Image of the symposium poster. Photo.

Welcome to listen in on a symposium on the animal ethics and welfare challenges in animal-based tourism.

The Symposium is open on Tuesday 27 August 09:00-16:00 and on Wednesday 28 August 09:00-12:00.

Petting orphan tiger cubs at sanctuaries and taking #slothselfies are part of an increasingly popular animal-based tourism industry. In an open two-day interdisciplinary symposium, we examine the animal welfare standards and human-animal relations that are impacted and produced in this tourism.

An aim of the symposium is to clarify the ethical responsibilities toward animals in eco-tourism, hunting tourism and agri-tourism, which offer different forms of engagement with animals for a fee. Our gathering of national and international researchers and stakeholders span tourism policy & management, animal tourism and sustainability, animal welfare, sociology, anthropology, animal and environmental ethics, and more.

Instagranimal features 20 speakers in total. Everyone is welcome to come listen to the presentations on day one in room Z, Ulls hus, Ultuna though seats are limited.

The symposium is funded by the Future Animals, Nature and Health platform of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, with sponsorship by the Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare (SCAW) and the Division of Environmental Communication both at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

The symposium poster with the preliminary  program»

SCAW logo. Illustration. SLU Future Animal, Nature and Health logo. Illustration. SLU Logo. Illustration.


Time: 2019-08-27 09:00 - 17:00
City: Uppsala
Location: Room Z in Ulls hus, Ultuna
Organiser: Swedish Center for Animal Welfare and the Division of Environmental Communication, Department of Urban and Rural Development
Additional info:

Contact: erica.von.essen@slu.se