Outdoor Environments for Health and Well-being - Master's Programme

Published: 05 November 2024

This webpage is for students on the Outdoor Environments for Health and Well-being - Master's Programme.

Here you will find information about the programme, your course schedule, contact information, and the documents that regulate the education. Navigate by clicking on the headings below.

You can choose to study the programme at full time or part time.

Each course contains 2 to 4 mandatory online meetings, which each consists of 2 to 3 days of lessons and examinations.

This programme consists of blended/distance learning courses, meaning admittance to this program will not make you eligible for a residence permit in Sweden. As of now and until further notice, there will be no compulsory campus meetings.

Policy document OHW

The Outdoor Environments for Health and Well-being - Master's Programme and it´s courses have a Policy document that is of importance for students to follow, kindly download and read it:

Policy document 2024/2025

Admission to latter part

Here you will find information about admission to latter parts of SLU programmes and how you apply.

In spring semester 2025 there are available places on the programme.

  • Year 1: 2 places
  • Year 2: 0 places


If there are more qualified applicants than available places when the application period has ended, than the applicants are ranked according to how many credits they can transfer to the degree. When the applicants have equal credentials, lottery is applied.


Dates for online meetings academic year 24/25

Spring semester 2024

MP0003 Research Methods for People and Environment Studies

January 22 -24
March 13 -15
April 10 - 12
May 20 - 22 

MP0002 Landscape Analysis for People and Environment Studies

January 24 – 26
March 11 – 13
April 17 – 19
May 27 - 29

MP0008 Health Promoting Outdoor Environments

January 17 – 19
March 4 – 6
March 19 – 21 (Own work)
May 6 - 8

MP0009 Nature and Animal Assisted Interventions

January 15 (Introduction)
February 5 -7
March 6 -8 (Skara)
May 13 - 15

EX858 and EX1000 Independent project

January 16 – Start seminar
March 7 Final seminar
March 18 – Mid seminar 
May 30 – 31 Final seminar, Thesis day


Autumn semester 2024

MP0001 Place activity and human development

September 4 - 6
October 9 - 11 
November 18 - 20
2025 January 13 - 14

MP0005 Environmental Perception and Experience

September 2 – 4
October 2 - 4
November 11 - 13 
December 18 - 20

MP0006 Outdoor Environments for children and Youth

September 11 - 13 
October 30 – November 1
November 27 - 29
2025 January 15 - 16

MP0007 Nature Based Interventions

September 9 (introduction)
September 23 - 25 
October 16 - 18
December 9 - 11 

EX858 and EX1000 Independent project

September 10 - Startseminar
October 15 - Finalseminar
November 14 – Midseminar
2025 January 31- Startseminar
2025 February 6 – Finalseminar


Updated 2024-03-12 DM



Course subject area and level

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can in most cases click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule to go to the course page.


  • G1N: First-cycle level, only upper secondary entry requirements
  • G1F: First-cycle level, fewer than 60 credits from first-cycle courses as entry requirement
  • G2F: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement
  • G2E: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement, contains a degree project for the Degree of Bachelor
  • A1N: Second-cycle level, only first-cycle course(s) as entry requirement – at SLU, a minimum of 120 credits at first-cycle level is required
  • A1F: Second-cycle level, contains degree project for
    Master’s degree (60 credits)
  • GXX: First-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified
  • AXX: Second-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified

NOTE! Even if you are an accepted program student or study within the OHW program, you need to apply/register via antagning.se for next semester's courses. It is important that you apply in time. For more information visit this webpage


If you would like to apply for this programme
This page is for students currently studying on the programme. If you are not currently a student but would like to apply, you can read more about the programme’s content and the application process here.


  • This programme consists of blended/distance learning courses and is taught in English. Each course contains 2 to 4 mandatory online meetings, which each consists of 2 to 3 days of lessons and examinations.
  • The name of the programme in Swedish is masterprogrammet Utemiljö för hälsa och välbefinnande.


Programme director of studies - Outdoor Environments for health and well-being

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Lecturer at the Department of People and Society
Telephone:+46 (0) 40 415209
E-mail: Elizabeth Marcheschi

Contact the education officer if you have any questions about study programme  regulations. Nicklas Karlsson, phone +46 (0)40-41 5069, Nicklas Karlsson

Contact the education administrator if you have any questions about LADOK registration, certificates or courses. Desirée Mattsson, phone +46 (0)40-41 5304, Desiree Mattsson

For information about credit transfer, please mail to: credittransfer@slu.se