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On-campus exams at SLU

Last changed: 17 March 2025

On-campus exams are common at SLU. They are written or e-examinations that take place at an exam venue. To be able to take on-campus exam, you must be registered with Ladok Student, and have a valid form of photo ID. Below under each collapsible heading, you will find more information on what applies to on-campus exams at Campus Alnarp and Campus Ultuna.

Register with Ladok Student

You must be registered in Ladok to be able to participate in exams and resits. SLU works to ensure a fair and secure examination process. As stated in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook, students who are either not registered or register late will not be permitted to sit the exam. Instead, they will have to wait until the next examination session.

Register for the exam via Ladok Student, no later than 10 working days before the exam session. Go to Ladok Student during the registration period and check that your registration is recorded!

If you experience technical problems with your registration, contact your course administrator before the registration period closes.

If you are unable to sit the exam as planned, it is important that you log in to Ladok Student and de-register.

Adapted assessments

Register for adapted assessments

Students with study support for students with disabilities are entitled to adapted assessments. This may include extended time, using a computer with support programs or taking the exam in a smaller group. Adaptation requests must be registered before each examination.

If you have been granted study support, you will be able to see the adaptations available to you in Nais. However, not all adaptations are possible for all examinations. The adaptations you need may be different depending on the exam, its structure and content. Only register for the adaptations you believe you need for the specific exam.

Taking the exam with compulsory registration in Ladok Student

Registration for both the exam and requests for adaptations need to be submitted via Ladok Student. The deadline is 10 working days before the exam.

Taking the exam without registering in Ladok Student (e.g., take-home exams or project submissions)

Discuss the adaptations you need with the course coordinator. You must do this well in advance (deadline 15 working days before the relevant exam).

You will be able to see the support granted and your seat in the exam venue on TE Student approximately three working days before the examination session.

Information about study support for students with disabilities is available here:


To be able to sit the exam, you must have a valid form of ID. Before the semester begins, check that your ID has not expired.

To gain access to the exam venue, you need to have registered for the exam in Ladok Student and prove your identity using a valid photo ID document. Your ID must be visible on your desk at all times.

Examples of ID documents:

  • driving licence
  • passport
  • national ID card.

Student account and login details

To be able to sit an on-campus e-exam using Inspera, you must have an active student account and know your login details. You still have to register with Ladok Student and bring a valid form of photo ID with you. You will also need a student account to be able to log in to TE Student and find out your assigned place in the exam hall.

Make sure to check you have an active student account and know your login details well in advance of the examination session.

Anonymisation codes

All written examinations at SLU use anonymity codes, meaning your exam will be marked anonymously. It is a good idea to make a note of any anonymity code you may receive when you register for your exam in Ladok Student. Make sure to take the code to the exam venue.

If you do not receive an anonymity code when you register in Ladok Student, you will be issued one when you arrive at your exam venue.

On-campus written exams

On-campus exams takes place on campus at a designated exam venue. Invigilators monitor the exam, and special rules apply inside the venue (read more under Rules inside the exam venue). You must show a valid form of photo ID and have registered for the exam in Ladok Student to be able to enter the exam venue. You will be given a place card telling you where to sit.

The exam is written using pen and paper. Write the anonymity code on the top right-hand corner of each page, and submit the final answers. When you submit your answers, it is important that you make sure the anonymity code on the submission list is the same as the one you have written on your exam, and that the number of pages recorded is correct before you sign your submission. 

You will not be allowed to enter the exam venue if your name is NOT on the list of registered students. If you believe you have registered for the exam, it is your responsibility to prove that you registered before the deadline, either with information from Ladok or other written document.

Approximately three days before your exam, information about the exam venue, your anonymity code (if the Ladok anonymity codes will be used) will be published on TE Student. Here, you will also find out whether you have been granted study support for the exam.

On-campus e-exams

On-campus e-exams take place in an allocated room with invigilators. SLU use the system Inspera for e-exams. Special rules apply inside the room (read more under Rules inside the exam venue). To be able to enter the exam venue, you must have registered for the exam in Ladok Student and show a valid form of photo ID. You will be given a place card telling you where to sit.

NB: You must have an active student account and know your login details. Without these, you will NOT be able to sit the exam.

The anonymity code generated in Ladok Student will have been pre-registered in Inspera where you log in using your student account.

More information about Inspera

Where does the exam take place?

  • Campus Ultuna: On-campus e-exams using Inspera take place in rooms with stationary computers. Stationary computers for use with Inspera are available in exam rooms 1 and 2 in Undervisningshuset (the Teaching Building).
  • Campus Alnarp: Campus Alnarp collaborates with Malmö University regarding on-campus e-exams. Therefore, all on-campus e-exams are conducted in Malmö University's examination rooms at Kranen.
  • At other SLU locations, investigations are ongoing regarding the possibility of on-campus e- exams.

Written examination at another site

SLU students can apply to sit their exams at another site. The decision to approve this will be taken by the examiner. You will need to fill in a form and give it to the examiner, course coordinator or equivalent.

Campuses with a central organisation for exam management (currently Uppsala and Alnarp)

Contact the examiner or course coordinator with your request. It is not enough for the student to have reasons, but legality and resources must also be taken into account. The examiner, course coordinator or equivalent will then submit the request to the exam services team (TS) if they believe the exam can be taken elsewhere. TS will then assess whether it is possible and contact the examiner, course coordinator or equivalent. They will then notify you. You must register for the exam via Ladok, no later than 10 working days before the exam session.

Campuses without a central organisation for exam management

Contact the examiner or course coordinator with your request. The examiner approves exams at another location on a case-by-case basis. Just because the student has a valid reason to sit the exam elsewhere does not mean their request can be granted. Fairness and available resources must also be taken into consideration. You must ensure that you have found out whether there is a suitable administrator, invigilator and exam venue where you would like to sit your exam. You must also register in Ladok no later than 10 working days before the exam session.

Before your on-campus exam

  • Arrive early – at least 30 minutes before the exam starts.
  • Remember to have valid photo ID with you.
  • Write the anonymity code you received when you registered in Ladok, and bring it with you to the exam.
  • Switch off your mobile phone.
  • You can bring something to eat or drink – but no peanuts or other nuts. Remember that any food you bring with you should not make a noise when you unwrap or eat it.

Rules in the exam venue

  • Turn off your mobile phone and any other electronic devices. Place them in the designated area.
  • Store coats and bags in the designated area.
  • You may only have the following items on your desk: a pen, eraser, snacks (in transparent bags/containers) and the permitted materials/aids (see exam form). You may not keep your pencil case or similar on the desk.
  • Your ID must be visible on the desk and be presented when you hand in your exam paper.
  • Toilet breaks – if there is a toilet inside the exam room itself, you can use it as needed. If the toilet is located elsewhere in the venue, please raise your hand to alert an invigilator who will need to accompany you and wait outside.
  • If you need to pray during on-campus exams, please stay in your seat and pray silently. We are unable to provide separate prayer rooms.
  • Sitting at an on-campus written exam all students must write their anonymity code on the top-right corner of all pages. When you hand in your exam, you must sign to confirm that the code on the submissions list is the same as the one you have written on your exam, that your personal identity number is correct, and that the number of pages being submitted is correct and has been noted. Check this thoroughly.
  • If you have received an exam paper but not completed the exam, you must still submit the paper with tha anonymity code, unless your examinator says otherwise.
  • You will not be allowed to leave the exam room until the first 45 minutes have passed.
  • Raise your hand if you have any questions.

Late arrivals

If you arrive late, you may still have a chance to sit the exam. This only applies if you arrive within 30 minutes of the start time for the exam and you are on the list of registered students. If this is the case, wait outside the exam room and do not knock on the door. An invigilator will let you and any other late arrivals in and give you the necessary information, no later than 30 minutes after the start time. The exam will still finish at the same time – you will not be given any extra time.

If you are more than 30 minutes late to the start of the exam, you will need to register for the first resit and take the exam then instead.

Medical equipment

You should contact the exam services team well in advance if you will need to use any medical equipment during the exam. State the type of equipment you will be using and provide your contact details. You will need to do this so the invigilators are aware before the exam and know that you may have equipment on your desk or close by that is not otherwise permitted.

Suspected cheating and plagiarism

SLU works actively to combat cheating and plagiarism. SLU can take disciplinary measures against students who have cheated or committed any of the offences listed in Chapter 10 of the Higher Education Ordinance.

Read more about cheating and plagiarism

Exam results and returning your paper

Changes or review of your grade

If your grading decision contains obvious errors (writing or calculation error), or if you question the decision, you should request a copy of your exam and not the original document. You must then submit a written request for a grade review. Contact your department if you have any questions.

Read more in the SLU Education Planning and Administration Handbook.

Questions about exams

The exam services team arranges the exam sessions, invigilators, premises and the related procedures. You can contact the exam services team via:

Campus Ultuna:
+46 18 67 29 00

Campus Alnarp:
+46 40 41 51 51

There may be different rules for exams being conducted in collaboration with another higher education institution, such as in Umeå.

Contact your course coordinator or course administrator at your department if you have any questions about registering, obtaining your exam paper after it has been marked, or requesting a grade review.

Contact funka@slu.se if you have any questions about study support for students with disabilities.
