SLU news

Registration is now open for SLU Forest Damage Research School's first annual meeting

Published: 21 September 2023
Small road in Swedish forest. Photo.

Welcome to the SLU Skogsskadecentrum's research school's first annual meeting, which is arranged together with Sveaskog. Registration for the annual meeting has now opened.

The annual meeting will be held at Fredensborg's Herrgård in Småland on 15th and 16th November 2023. There will be two days filled with presentations of student projects, networking and planning for future activities. This year, the annual meeting is organized together with Sveaskog.


All students, supervisors and partners who are connected to the SLU Skogsskadecentrum's research school are welcome to participate. The last day of registration to participate is on 11th  of October 2023. The meeting will be held in English.


For registration and further information


SLU Forest Damage Centre

Director: Jonas Rönnberg; +46 40 41 51 79 eller +46 706 72 76 43

Deputy director: Wiebke Neumann Sivertsson; +46 90 78 68 117 eller +46 706 34 90 51

Deputy director and responsible for the research school: Åke Olson; +46 18 67 18 76

Communications officer: Theres Svensson
theres; +46 90 78 68 228, +46 765 46 05 96

Administrative coordinator: Katja Fedrowitz; +46 18 67 21 96