Apply for scholarships!
Published: 01 March 2023
The application period for the following scholarships are now open.
Application deadline 31 March!
Albert N. Cedergrens reseunderstödsfond
Anna-Britta och Vadim Söderströms resestipendiefond
Bröderna Edlunds donationsfond
Fonden för skogsvetenskaplig forskning
Fonden till Tor Jonssons minne
Forna elevers stipendiefond
Magda och Folke Carlssons stipendiefond
Nils Delins stipendiefond
Skandias stipendiefond
Torsten Wangenbergs stipendiefond
Wilhelm Smitts stipendiefond
More information about how to apply and which scholarships that are possible to apply for can be found on our website:Stipends and funds at the Faculty of Forest Sciences.