SLU news

SLU an International Star University

Published: 28 May 2020

STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, annually publishes an index indicating how international Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs) are. SLU gets four out of a maximum of five stars in this index.

“It is a gratifying result that shows that the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is a university well established on the international scene. But of course we are not content with four stars; now we continue to work aiming to conquer the fifth star as well”, says SLU Pro Vice-Chancellor for International Relations, Ylva Hillbur.

Six dimensions of internationalisation are included in the index and 28 HEIs are rated. The results launched now are based on data from 2018. Effects from the COVID-19 pandemic will therefore only be seen in the index in two years’ time, after 2020 has been accounted for.

This year, an overview of each HEI has been made available. The number of stars awarded to larger HEIs does not often change, and therefore more details on research, students, staff and management have been requested. Is the HEI on the right track? Which are the strong or weak areas? A document is available on each HEI with seven diagrams indicating development in the different areas as well as the total score.

Only three universities receive the maximum of five stars: Stockholm School of Economics, Chalmers and Royal Institue of Technology. Among the universities that together with SLU receive four stars are Karolinska Institutet, and the universities of Luleå, Lund, Stockholm, and Uppsala.
