
Insurance for students and plan for teaching

Published: 22 April 2020

Insurance for students studying from home and preparing for the period after the temporary Covid-19 pandemic restrictions

Insurance for students studying from home during the Covid-19 pandemic

Students studying from home are now insured. The plan is also to include those who are infected with Covid-19 during placements.

Learn more at the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency web page: Insurance in connection to the coronavirus.

Preparing for the period after the temporary Covid-19 pandemic restrictions

Spring semester: plan for distance teaching for the whole semester

It is uncertain for how long current circumstances will apply. However, at the moment the most likely scenario is distance teaching for the whole spring semester. The same instruction also applies to the summer courses, ie plan for distance education also for these.

The decision by the SLU Board, which is the basis for the decisions by the vice-chancellor and the chair of the Board of Education regarding temporary teaching and examination transition is connected to the government’s and the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s recommendation that all universities and higher education institutions conduct distance teaching. This decision will cease to apply when the government (or the Public Health Agency of Sweden) states that it is allowed to return to ordinary campus teaching.

Autumn semester: plan for campus teaching – prepare for distance teaching

Due to the uncertainty, teachers are recommended, if possible, to set aside time during early summer to plan course implementation for period 1 of autumn as well as retake exams in August. Both should work with or without the distance teaching requirement.

Book rooms as usual before autumn

The room booking schedule applies as usual. If distance teaching is still recommended for autumn, the vice-chancellor’s decision regarding centrally funding internal fees for pool teaching rooms until the government revokes its recommendations applies.

Type of instruction – autumn

If the government revokes its recommendation regarding distance teaching this autumn, the course syllabus in question applies. Examination formats and compulsory components regulated in the course syllabus must be followed. The schedule for the course instance will state how extensive compulsory components are and when they should be carried out. The schedule will be available no later than 4 weeks before the course starts. If the distance teaching recommendation continues during autumn, it is okay to deviate from the course syllabus in accordance with current decisions on temporary transition to distance teaching.

When the distance teaching recommendation is revoked, it does not automatically mean that teachers must return to campus teaching immediately. Examiners and course coordinators are responsible for developing teaching according to the course syllabus and intended course learning outcome framework in the manner they find suitable as well as what has been stated for every course instance. Quality and student perspectives must naturally be the focus when selecting the type of instruction. Therefore, the return to campus-based teaching can, compared to the transition to distance teaching, happen gradually based on teacher and student needs. Teachers can also choose to teach certain components at a distance. It is good to keep the faculty offices informed on decisions regarding changed type of instructions.

International students

In order to be granted a residence permit, students must take part in campus-based teaching. Therefore, it is good to have a plan for when they should be at campus in order for them to apply for and be granted a residence permit for a predetermined date.

Regardless of the government’s recommendation for autumn, it is an advantage if international students still can complete their courses at a distance. This reduces the risk of students not beginning their studies in time due to restrictions in other countries, or because they did not receive their residence permit.

Higher education institutions are working together in the Association of Swedish Higher Education to find good solutions for international students. We will contact affected persons when we have more information.

Autumn welcome rituals

Welcoming new students is a critical time, and the efforts of the students’ unions is greatly important to make students feel welcome and motivated to continue with their studies. It will be challenging to welcome new students during social distancing when the actual purpose is the opposite. Both the students’ unions and the Division of Educational Affairs are planning for this.