
Nano training on SLU´s environmental management work

Published: 05 September 2019

Since 2016, SLU has been environmentally certified according to the ISO 14001 standard. This environmental certification means that we map our environmental impact and work systematically to continuously improve ourselves in the environmental area. All employees are responsible for keeping themselves informed about SLU’s environmental policy and important environmental issues. All employees are obliged to follow the agreed-upon procedures and to contribute to meeting the environmental objectives.

In order for everyone at SLU to become aware of our environmental work, an environmental training course will be sent out to all employees and students via the NanoLearning tool (in the form of an email) on the 10th of September. Those who have not yet participated in the course will also receive a reminder. The sender is SLU and the e-mail address is This is a trusted sender as we often use the NanoLearning tool.

The lesson takes a few minutes to complete. Click on "Start lesson", enter your SLU email address and answer the questions at the end of the course. The course will also be available on SLU's environment website. In the future, the course will only be sent to new AD accounts.

Good luck!