
Ida Wallin winning IUFRO price

Published: 05 September 2019

Congratulations to Ida, winning of IUFRO “Outstanding Doctoral Research Award 2019” for her PhD thesis defended at our department, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre! The price will be awarded during the IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Congress, taking place in 29 September – 5 October, 2019.

Ida WALLIN's thesis "Forest Management and Governance in Sweden – A Phronetic Analysis of Social Practices" has shed light on the complex and poorly understood drivers behind the behaviour of private forest owners.She investigated and even instiga-ted multi-stakeholder participatory processes in forest governance. The top-down and bottom-up social pro-cesses that determine how forests are managed are still poorly under-stood. Research tends to have either a governance or a management per-spective leading to a lack of under-standing about the connections between the two. In the face of increased pressure on forest resources due to climate change and higher societal demand for renewable forest goods and services, there is now, more than ever, a need to find valid policy solutions that take into account institutional, political and societal restraints. Ida Wallin's work has contributed to closing the knowledge gap regarding what determines how the forest is managed and how governance is grounded in local processes. In finding answers to these questions and through teaching and engagement in parti-cipatory processes, she has contributed to finding new pathways and policy solutions to pressing challenges of sustainability in fo-rest management and governance.

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