
New professors’ lectures in Umeå

Published: 20 May 2019

Thirteen new professors are to be installed at SLU this year. On Friday 24 May three of them will hold their inauguration lectures at SLU’s Umeå Campus. The lectures cover topics such as ecological effects of pharmaceuticals in aquatic systems, expertise and tools that can promote sustainable forest management, and new technological innovations in forestry. The lectures are also webcast.

The three professors represent different research areas, but they all try to find solutions to challenges we are facing today.

Here are the professors' web pages, including press photos

  • Karin Öhman is a professor of forest planning, a research area which deals with information leading to decisions concerning the future development of forests: when, where and how should silviculture and harvesting be applied on a forest holding or in a landscape in order to achieve the objectives of forest management? One important aim is to develop expertise and tools that can be applied in practice by different types of forest owners to promote sustainable forest management, taking economy as well as natural values and social aspects into consideration.
  • Ola Lindroos is a professor of forest technology. His research area is forest operations, which involves operations related to management, harvesting, processing and transport of forest biomass to industries or other users. His studies cover many aspects of forest operations, but mainly focus on evaluations and improvements of new technological innovations. His main research tools are empirical field studies of existing innovations, as well as theoretical computational studies of potential futuristic concepts. His goal is that forestry will be as efficient as possible, while also safeguarding working conditions and the environment.
  • Tomas Brodin is a professor of aquatic ecology, and studies ecological effects of pharmaceuticals in aquatic systems. He has a background in evolutionary and behavioural ecology, and is now using this knowledge to increase the ecological relevance of chemical risk-assessment in general, and pharmaceutical risk-assessment in particular. His research bridges the gap between the lab and the real world by combining lab-experiments – for mechanistic understanding – with large-scale field studies that answer the million-dollar question: What happens in the lake or stream?

Inauguration lectures in Umeå 24 May 2019

The inauguration lectures are public, no registration is required. All lectures are given in Swedish.


  • 09:00 Med blicken mot framtiden! Karin Öhman, professor of forest planning
  • 09:30 Hur kommer framtidens skogsarbete att utföras - när kommer robotarna? Ola Lindroos, professor of forest technology
  • 10:00 Medicinerad miljö – läkemedel i vattendrag påverkar både fiskar och insekter, Tomas Brodin, professor of aquatic ecology
  • 10:30 Coffee/tea

Read more

Read more about the new professors and listen to them when they tell us about their research. Earlier this spring new professors were installed at other SLU locations: in Uppsala on March 22, and in Alnarp on May 10.