
Start of forestry studies in Alnarp.

Published: 04 September 2018

Students come from all over Europe to study forestry in Alnarp. Monday, September 3, was the beginning of a new semester at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre. This year two courses started; Sustainable forestry in southern Sweden and Silviculture of temperate forests.

Sustainable forestry in southern Sweden is the first obligatory course for students admitted to Euroforester MSc.

As always, the group is exceptionally international, with students from Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Germany, Great Britain, Slovakia and Pakistan.

The enrolment in the course, Sustainable forestry in southern Sweden, is strong with a total of 25 students, of whom 14 are master students in the Euroforester program.

16 students are enrolled in the Silviculture of temperate forests course, of which 9 are Euroforester Master Students. This group is also international with students from Sweden, Iceland, Germany, Romania, The Netherlands, Spain and Latvia.
