Welcome to a new semester
The summer holidays are over for most, and people are returning to SLU. Soon, both new and old students from all over the world will walk our corridors.
The admission numbers are up about seven per cent compared to autumn 2017. Fantastic news!
The summer heat has reminded us of the importance of being prepared for inconsistent weather. A sustainable society must be prepared for both singular extreme weather situations and long-term climate change. The universities – not least SLU – play an important part in developing and sharing new knowledge of how societies should handle these changes, both those caused by humans and natural ones.
A lot is happening this autumn. We will analyse and draw conclusions from the Quality and Impact evaluation (KoN2018) and continue working on a clear plan to help us reach the vision of doubling the number of students at SLU. Involving staff and committing them to these processes is key for the best development.
At the moment, the government has a number of inquiries relevant to universities. Investigator Agneta Bladh will present her final report with proposals for a new national strategy for the internationalisation of universities and higher education institutions, and Pam Fredman is concluding her work on “Styr- och resursutredningen” (the Governance and Resource Inquiry), a comprehensive model proposal for developed governance of universities and higher education institutions. These inquiries are important to follow and react to since the decisions they lead to will affect universities greatly.
It is also an election year, not just nationally but at SLU, too. The faculty election committees are preparing to elect deans and other faculty board members, and the SLU election committee is electing members to the Board of Education. In addition, the recruitment of a new vice-chancellor has begun.
This will certainly be an exciting autumn. Welcome back to all of you!
Peter Högberg and Karin Holmgren