SLU news

Places available!

Published: 14 November 2018

The course TN0342 "Sustainable technologies for low- and medium income countries" 7.5 hp starts on December 7 and still has places available.

The course targets students at master's level, with background in technology, agriculture or soil science, and since the students often have different backgrounds both in the subject field and internationally, they can contribute to an exciting mix of knowledge in the group.

The objective of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of agricultural technologies for sustainable development and resource utilization in low and medium income countries. Participatory research, socio-economic aspects of sustainable development, as well as mechanisation, technology transfer and resource management are addressed. 

The course begins with lectures and exercises covering small-scale renewable energy technologies, small-scale waste management and sanitation technologies, transport, logistics and supply chain management for resource efficiency in both rural and urban contexts, as well as soil conservation and cultivation systems. After that, a project is carried out where a case (eg a city) is studied as a system where students analyze resource flows and present technology and management solutions for improved sustainability and resource efficiency.

If you are interested you are welcome to make a late application to the course



If you have any questions regarding the course, please feel free to contact us 

Course leader: Girma Gebresenbet: tel 018-671901

Director of studies: David Ljungberg: tel 018-671810
