Urban Nilsson, Professor,
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, SLU, +46 40 415193, +46 70-3465192
November 5th - 9th 2018, SLU-Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre organised a Ph.D-course together with Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and National Resources Institute of Finland (Luke).
We spent five days at Tönnersjöheden research station and discussed forest tree and stand growth and dynamics. It has been a very pleasant week and great interactions with forestry Ph.D-students from universities in Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Sweden and Finland.
The course week in Tönnersjöhedens experimental station is part of a Ph.D-course with the title "Forest tree and stand growth and dynamics: Multiple effects and problems when analyzing data".
More information about the course is available HERE.
Urban Nilsson, Professor,
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, SLU, +46 40 415193, +46 70-3465192